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Statistical processing

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Research, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics
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Payments by the Ministry of Culture

The Ministry of Culture sends annual data to Statistics Denmark on payments including amounts, purpose, geographical and other targeting, as well as information on recipients. Statistics Denmark debugs data and links them with background information about the recipients. This information is for personal recipients age, area of residence and gender. For companies background information is location, and size and type of business. Finally, data is tabulated and published in StatBank Denmark following a number of additional checks.

Source data

The statistics is based on

  • National Budget § 21. Ministry of Culture
  • The annual budget records on allocation of Lotto Funds for the Ministry of Culture.

Furthermore, the statistics include the part of the the Lotto funds that are listed as an income in the National Budget belonging to the Ministry of Culture. The statistics is based on data for payments from the Ministry of Culture's administrative systems, financial systems, as well as from the Government Accounts. In the detailed tables, data from Statistics Denmark's databases of personal and company records are also used.

In addition to the data for payments from the Ministry of Culture's administrative systems, there is a separate report from the Danish Film Institute (DFI).

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Data collection is performed by encrypted spreadsheet with data from pertinent accounting and administrative systems for grants and other relevant payments.

Data validation

All incoming data are subjected to electronic data editing of e.g. valid geographical and other codes, stated purposes, and ID's of recipients. Faulty data are returned to the Ministry of Culture for correction. Subtotals are manually and electronically verified by comparison with previous years' data and account data from the Ministry of Culture.

Data compilation

The corrected and verified data are combined with register information concerning recipients; regarding individual recipients, the information focuses on sex, age and home address. Regarding companies, register information of type, number of employees and location is used.


Not relevant for these statistics.