Statistical presentation
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The statistics are an annual statement of payments for promoting purposes within the area of the Ministry of Culture, e.g. for the operation of institutions, specific activities and projects, scholarships, etc. and shows the distribution on different cultural domains and geography. Recipients are described by age and gender (persons) or company form and size (companies). The payments to authors, translators, etc. linked to the Public Lending Rights' Fund and the distribution of disbursements to the special, cultural domains Children and Young People, Research and Education are tabulated.
Data description
The statistics detail the funds allocated by the central government and local authorities for purposes within the domain of the Ministry of Culture. Funds are allocated to cultural institutions, projects and individuals and are used for operating institutions, subsidies for specific activities and projects, scholarships, etc. Payments comprise areas covered by the Ministry of Culture's State Budget and Lotto funds. Also, the statistics comprise a minor part of the Public Service Broadcasting License fee, namely funds that are listed as income on the State Budget as belonging to the Ministry of Culture. The statistics show the distribution of amounts to the various cultural domains, present the geographical distribution of payments and describe the beneficiaries. Moreover, the recipients are described based on either age and sex (individuals), or type and size (companies). Finally, some tables highlight the payments especially targeted children and young people, research or education.
The statistics include the following :
- Ministry of Culture's payments for cultural purposes.
- The geographical distribution of cultural domains of the Ministry of Culture's payments by cultural purposes and type of financing with the possibility to sort payments as to whether or not they are specially targeted children and young people, research or education.
- The geographical distribution on cultural domains of the Ministry of Culture's payments calculated in relation to population by cultural purpose and type of financing. This distribution is presented for total payments relative to total population as well as for payments targeted children and young people with per capita figures based solely on citizens up to 18 years of age.
- Payments to individual recipients to individuals by the geographical, cultural purpose, and the sex and age group of the recipient.
- The number of individual recipients by geographical location of the recipient's home address, sex and age group.
- Payments to companies by geographical location, cultural purpose, type and size of company.
- The number companies by geographical location, type and size of company. Payments from the Public Lending Rights' Fund to authors, translators etc. are a subset of the payments made by the Ministry of Culture and presented in separate tables. The cultural domain of all of these payments is Literature and Books.
The case region is the geographical area where the payment or subsidy is expected to have its primary effect. The individual payment lines in the data material are assigned case regions in the form of individual municipalities, several municipalities (within the same province), nationwide or other countries than Denmark. In a revision of the tables based on case regions, a different approach to determining the case area has been used since the publication of 2019 data: For payments where the case area cannot be described comprehensively by a single municipality, region or the whole country, the data material states the relevant combination of municipalities, regions and regions. The total amount is then distributed proportionally between the individual municipalities, etc. on the basis of population figures. The relationship between different types of recipients and the allocation of case areas is elaborated upon in this note.
There are just over 20 state institutions under the Ministry of Culture's area of responsibility. State institutions are financed through separate main accounts in the Finance Act and are covered by the Ministry of Finance's regulatory framework. Examples of state institutions are the Royal Library, the National Archives, the Royal Theater and Chapel, the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music, the National Museum, the National Gallery of Denmark, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, the Green Museum and the Danish Language Board. The number of state institutions can change from year to year because of mergers etc.. The state institutions are of particular importance in the statistics, as they can be distributed differently in the tables; either as nationwide or locally based in the municipality where the institution is located.
Classification system
The payments are classified in culture domains, which are defined on the basis of UNESCO's culture concepts and adapted to Danish conditions. See also the publication UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics. Cultural topics are, however, adapted to Danish conditions and for the sake of the clarity aggregated in a total of six main cultural domains. Below all 28 cultural domains are listed along with the corresponding main cultural domains (in capital letters). See also the classification. - SPORTS AND RECREATION - Amusement and Theme Parks - Sports - Gambling - CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE - Archives - Listed Buildings - Protected monuments - Cultural Landscapes - Museums - Language - Zoological and botanical gardens - MEDIA, LIBRARY AND LITERATURE - Library - Computer Games - Newspaper and Magazine - Film - Literature and Books - TV and Radio - PERFORMING ARTS AND MUSIC - Music - Performing Arts - VISUAL ARTS AND DESIGN - Architecture - Fine Arts - Design - Photography - Crafts - OTHER CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - Advertising Services - Governmental Administration - Equipment and Supporting Materials - Miscellaneous Cultural Activities - General Education of Adults & Folk High Schools
The Statbank table LABY40 is based on KUBS05 which shows the personal recipients of the Ministry of Culture's payments and KUBS06 which shows the size of the payments. The municipality groups of the LABY table can be found from the following link.
Sector coverage
The statistics describe the cultural sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Financing Type: The financing type denotes whether payments/funds are directed towards:
- Construction works: Funds for capital expenditure
- Distribution: Funds for distribution of newspapers etc.
- Operation: Funds for operating costs, i.e. the running expenses of an institution.
- Personal: Funds awarded to individuals.
- Project: Funds for short-term projects - in contrast to running expenses.
Special cultural domains: The special cultural domains are defined in the following way:
- The Children and Young Peoples domain involves grants for cultural activities targeted towards children and young people under 18 years of age, including cultural activities that are targeted families.
- The Education domain involves grants to approved tertiary vocational educational institutions.
- The Research domain involves grants primarily awarded to research and related activities. Funds for operating expenses of museums and colleges that are partially used to fund research is not included in the Research domain.
- The International Activities domain involves grants for international and foreign activities with a dominant element of cultural exchange.
Statistical unit
The units of this statistics with respect to the recipients of the payments made by the Ministry of Culture are persons and company work places.
Statistical population
The population of this statistics is the total of all payments made by the Ministry of Culture in the reference year
Reference area
Payments by the Ministry of Culture are mostly domestic, but a small proportion of payments are channeled into international projects or recipients. Tables detailing recipients exclusively concern persons and companies located in Denmark.
Time coverage
The statistics cover the period from 2010 and onwards; some tables, however, are only developed for 2012 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The statistics describe payments as well as recipients. The unit of measurements are million DKK, 1000 DKK, DKK per capita, DKK per capita under 18 years of age and numbers.
Reference period
The statistics refer to the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
According to the Statistical Code of Statistics Denmark data are drawn from other public authorities and existing registers and and are provided voluntarily by the Ministry of Culture on the basis of a special agreement.
Cost and burden
The statistics is based on register data. The response burden is therefore zero. Data is collected by the Ministry of Culture.
Payments by the Ministry of Culture is linked to the subject page for Education, economy and employment in the cultural field or can be obtained by contacting Statistics Denmark.