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Payments by the Ministry of Culture

When assessing time series from these statistics, the user should be aware of shifts in the Ministry of Culture's area of responsibility etc. as described under Comparability over Time. For example, the data breach from 2011 to 2012 is due to reshuffles after the formation of the government in 2011. The Ministry of Culture was handed over the area of ​​public education and the folk high schools from the Ministry of Children and Education, and castles and cultural properties were moved from the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Culture. Finally, the higher artistic educations were moved from the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry for Research, Innovation and Higher Education.

As of the publication of 2019 figures, the designation of case regions has changed compared to before, as it is possible for certain types of payment to define the case region more precisely than before.

Comparability - geographical

However, it is possible to find statistics on public support for culture in other countries, even if there are no international guidelines for compiling this type of statistics.

Comparability over time

In 2012 the new cultural domain "General Education of Adults & Folk High Schools" was introduced and in 2016, the administration of support for activities for the Danish minority south of the border were transferred from the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Culture. This constitutes a data break in the time series analyses of totals. The same holds true when payments regarding media support grows from 2019 to 2022 as a result of the abolition of the media license and the transfer to the Finance Act. Data from 2020 are affected by extraordinary payments from aid packages related to the COVID-19 situation.

Comparisons over time could be hampered by the following factors: Any changes to the fields of responsibility for the relevant central departments. As of the 3rd of October 2011, the responsibility for grants pertaining to general education of adults as well as folk high schools was passed from the Ministry of Children and Education to the Ministry of Culture. Furthermore, the responsibility for the Architectural School of Aarhus, the Royal Art Academy's Schools for Architecture, Design and Conservation, The Design School of Kolding and the Royal School of Library and Information Science was transferred to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. The responsibility for state castles and cultural estates was transferred from the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Culture. Finally, the Center for Culture and Development was transferred from the Ministry of Culture to the Foreign Ministry. These changes in areas of responsibility were effected on the 1st of January 2012. The Danish Agency for Culture was, in connection with organizational changes in 2012, formed from three agencies: the Cultural Heritage agency, the Cultural Art Board and the Agency of Libraries and Media. The detailed coding of individual payments render the accounts very elaborate, but susceptible to individual assessments with respect to cultural domains and/or special cultural domains. Proper data breaks will be assessed individually.

From 2017 and onwards, payments by the Ministry of Culture include financial support to the Danish minority south of the Danish-German border who receive an annual state grant from Denmark of approx. 500 million DKK for the operation of a number of associations and organizations that perform cultural, ecclesiastical, educational, social and political tasks. The grant is administered by the so-called South Slesvig Committee, and payments were made from the Ministry of Education before 2017. It is not possible from the data material to allocate individual payments to various cultural domains, and therefore the total amount is classified under Miscellaneous Cultural Activities.

Media support grows from 2019 to 2022 as a result of the abolition of the media license and the transfer to the Finance Act.

In connection with the update for 2018, differences in registration and reporting practices regarding the allocation of case areas in 2017 and in the calculation of amounts per capita have been found. There has therefore been a revision of the 2017 figures in tables based on case areas (KUBS02, KUBS02A, KUBS03, KUBS04, KUBS09 and KUBS10), so that they can be compared with the previous and subsequent periods. In addition, missing values ​​of amounts per capita for the regions have been added to the 2016 data.

Regarding the statbank update of the periods 2021 and 2022, there has been an adjustment in the reporting practice for individual budget areas targeting international purposes, which may affect the location of the recipient country of the associated payments. Before 2021, some payments for international purposes have been reported as foreign payments, which is why they are placed under 'foreign' as recipient country. From 2021 onwards, it has been possible to identify P-numbers for some of these budget areas, which is why the recipient country is instead registered as Denmark. This can create minor shifts in table KUBS11 when breaking data down by recipient country. The distribution of the payments in question on the case country remains unchanged.

Regarding the statbank update for the period 2022, the payments linked to schemes and budget areas targeting the cultural subject "Design" have been moved to the cultural subject "Crafts". This can create minor shifts in table KUBS01.

Due to the update of the reference year 2023, two errors have been identified and corrected in the statistic for 2022. - A budget area should not be registered as "international purpose" in 2022. The payment is deducted from table KUBS11 for the reference year 2022, due to re-reporting. - Two budget areas had to be registered as particularly targeted 'research' in 2022.The payments are included in table KUBS09B for the reference year 2022, due to re-reporting.

In 2023, there will be a slight decrease in payments targeted at the Copenhagen case area, when the state institutions are made 'nationwide' in the table KUBS02B. The decrease can be explained by the fact that in 2022 there were some larger payments of a structural nature regarding e.g. compensation claims that increased the private payments in Copenhagen during the period.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics can be combined with Public Funding for Cultural Purposes to provide a detailed picture of the state financing and support for cultural life. However, it is not possible to compare the two statistics directly due to different recording practices and because there may be temporal differences between payments (accounts data) and planned funding/grants (budget data). Finally, the Payments statistics are more detailed in their scope than the Public Funding statistics. This is due to the possibility of allocating a grant with a broadly defined objective under a heading of a specific cultural domain between several payments with differing cultural domains. Additional information may be found about specific payments, such as names and amounts for the beneficiaries of the Public Lending Rights Fund's resources on the website of the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces. The number of recipients and the payments may slightly differ between the two tables; this is due to the fact that the tables in the StatBank solely use information on payments to individuals living in Denmark at the time of the payment.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.