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How to request the creation of a new user

As an administrator, you can request the creation of new users in Denmark's Data Portal, but before you do so, you should check whether the user already exists in the system. You can do this by entering the user's name in the search field. If the person already exists, you can associate them directly with your institution.

If the user does not exist, you should select the window labeled "My Overview" on your landing page.

Next, choose the institution where the user should be associated.

Now, go to the "Associated Users" tab. To the left of "Associated Users," click on the + sign and select "Request a new researcher."

You must now fill out the form with the correct information. Note that physical tokens are only sent to Danish addresses.

Click "Send Request." Research Service approves requests for new users daily.

If you receive an email stating that the request has been denied, it is because the user is already created and can be associated with a project without a request for creation.

If you choose a physical token, the user can only be associated with the project after you have received the token by mail.

Once the user has approved their user agreement, they can be associated with a specific project or create their own.