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Getting Started as a Newly Authorized User

Once your institution has been authorized for Statistics Denmark’s microdata scheme, you will have access to Denmarks Data Portal. This is where you can order data and manage your projects. Relevant staff members on a research project must be registered as users in Denmark’s Data Portal. A user can have one of five different roles:

  1. User
  2. Contact person 
  3. Administrator 
  4. Signatory 
  5. Responsible for Authorization
  6. Substitute

Assign user roles in Denmark's Data Portal

Below, you can read more about the rights and permissions associated with each role. You can also learn more about how these roles are assigned.

What Can Each Role Do?

FAQ on Denmark's Data Portal provides more information about the different roles in Denmark's Data Portal and the rights associated with each role.

Responsible for Authorization/Substitute

The ‘Responsible for Authorization‘ is responsible for overseeing the institution in Denmark's Data Portal and is responsible for creating and terminating association agreements for the institution.

It is highly recommended to appoint one or more substitutes who can approve association agreements on behalf of the ‘Responsible for Authorization‘. In the guide "Assign Roles in Denmark’s Data Portal" below, you can see how to assign substitutes in Denmark's Data Portal.

Note that the ‘Responsible for Authorization‘ cannot act as a substitute for themselves.

When a new user is created in the institution, the ‘Responsible for Authorization’ or their ‘Substitute’ will need to approve the association agreement. The ‘Responsible for Authorization’ or their ‘Substitute’ can find all association agreements for approval under "My Overview" in Denmark's Data Portal. The agreement is approved by clicking the box with a checkmark and rejected by clicking the box with a cross.

It is also the responsibility of the ‘Responsible for Authorization’ to ensure that the user(s) with the role of ‘Signatory‘ are formally employed at the institution where they hold the signing role.

If the ‘Responsible for Authorization’ or ‘Substitute‘ wishes to terminate an association agreement, they should click on "My Overview" followed by "Institutions". Then, search the name of the relevant user and click on the three dots next to the user's name. Click "Terminate" to terminate the association agreement.


In Denmark's Data Portal, the institution's ‘Administrator’ is responsible for approving and submitting all of the institution's project proposals to Statistics Denmark. The ‘Administrator’ serves as an internal approver every time a project proposal needs to be submitted or resubmitted. This means that an ‘Administrator’ should be available and expected to use Denmark's Data Portal regularly.

It is recommended to designate a minimum of two administrators, as some tasks in Denmark's Data Portal can only be performed by an ‘Administrator’, and an ‘Administrator’ cannot manage themselves. It is possible to designate up to 10 administrators for one institution. To appoint administrators and substitutes, they must first be created as users in Denmark's Data Portal.

As a ‘User’, you have access to information about the entities you are affiliated with. You can edit your own information in Denmark's Data Portal by clicking on "Profile" at the top right corner. Contact an ‘Administrator’ or the ‘Responsible for Authorization’ if you wish to be created as a ‘User‘ under an authorized institution.

See below for instructions on how to create a user and assign the roles of ‘Administrator‘ or ‘Substitute‘.

Request for Creating a New User in Denmark's Data Portal

Create new user

Users with the role of ‘Administrator‘ can request to have researchers associated with their institution directly in Denmark's Data Portal.

Before making a request, you should check if the user already exists in the system. You can do this by entering the user's name in the search field. If the user already exists, you can simply associate the person with your institution. If the user does not exist, follow the guide below.

  1. As an ‘Administrator‘, log in to Denmark's Data Portal and click on "My Overview."
  2. Next, select the institution for which you want to request the creation of the user.
  3. Go to the "Associated Users" tab.
  4. Press the + icon to the left of "Associated Users" and choose "Request a new Researcher" from the menu that appears.
  5. Fill out the form with the correct information. Note that physical tokens are only sent to Danish addresses.
  6. Press "Submit request." Research Services approves requests for new users daily.
    a) If you receive an email that the request has been rejected, it is because the user is already created and can be associated without first sending a request for creation.
  7. Once the request is approved by Research Services, the ‘Responsible for Authorization‘ or their ‘Substitute‘ must approve the user's association agreement in Denmark's Data Portal. All association agreements for approval can be found under "My Overview" in Denmark's Data Portal. The agreement is approved by clicking the checkbox or rejected by clicking the box with a cross.
  8. The user logs in to Denmark's Data Portal and approves their user agreement:
    a) The user logs in to Denmark's Data Portal for the first time by clicking on "Help with login" and then choosing a password.
    b) When the user logs in with the new password, the user must approve the user agreement presented.
  9. The ‘Administrator‘ can now grant the user access to a project.
    a) If you choose a physical token, the user can only be associated with the project once you have received the token by mail.
Assign Roles in Denmark's Data Portal

Assign roles

It is the ‘Responsible for Authorization‘ at an institution who can assign the roles of ‘Substitute‘, ‘Administrator‘, and ‘Signatory‘.

To do this, as the ‘Responsible for Authorization‘, you need to log in to Denmark's Data Portal and select "My Overview." Click on the institution for which you are ‘Responsible for Authorization‘, and then click on the three dots to the right of the institution's name. If you want to assign/remove the ‘Administrator‘ role, click on "Manage Administrators." If you want to assign or remove the role as ‘Substitute‘, click on "Manage Substitutes." If you want to assign or remove the role as ‘Signatory‘, click on "Manage Signatories." You will now see a list of all the institution's associated users. Click "Select" next to the user you want to designate as either a ‘Substitute‘, ‘Administrator‘, or ‘Signatory‘.


Once the roles are assigned and linked, you are ready to submit a project proposal and apply for access to data.

Learn more about what a project proposal should include and how to create it in Denmark’s Data Portal

See a guide for data ordering

See a guide for the overview of available data

Find out what rights and permissions different roles in Denmark’s Data Portal have