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Upper secondary education

How many students start general upper secondary education or vocational education and training programmes each year? How many complete a programme? The statistics on upper secondary education include information on the intake of students, the number of students enrolled in the programmes and students completing the programmes.

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University-qualifying education, i.e. provides access to higher education.

Study preparatory education with emphasis on economic, mercantile, technical and science subjects.

A professional education which gives the student a vocational qualification. A vocational education typically consists of a basic course and a main course, which both varies in content and length. The typical length of a vocational education is 4 years. Examples of vocational educations are bricklayer, carpenter and electrician.

Selected statistics on Upper secondary education

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Upper secondary education. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Activity in vocational education and training programmes

Here you can see how many students were enrolled in various vocational education and training programmes (by groups of programmes) on 1 October of the last compiled year.
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Source data

The sources for the statistics are data from the educational institutions' administrative systems.

Activity in general upper secondary education programmes

Here you can see how many students were enrolled in various general upper secondary education programmes (by groups of programmes) on 1 October of the last compiled year.
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Source data

The source is the data warehouse of The Ministry of Children and Education. From this data warehouse Statistics Denmark collects information regarding entrants as well as completed and active students in upper secondary education in Denmark.

Intake and completion of vocational education and training programmes

Here you can see how many students have started and completed a vocational education and training programme each year since 2005.
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Source data

The sources for the statistics are data from the educational institutions' administrative systems.

Intake and completion of general upper secondary education programmes

Here you can see how many students have started and completed a general upper secondary education programme each year since 2005.
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Source data

The source is the data warehouse of The Ministry of Children and Education. From this data warehouse Statistics Denmark collects information regarding entrants as well as completed and active students in upper secondary education in Denmark.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Highest Education Attained

The purpose of the statistics on educational attainment is to give an overall statistical description of the educational level of the population at any given time. The primary data source to these statistics is the Student Register with data from 1970 onwards. In addition, the Qualification Register is used. Since the Student Register is the primary source for information, the Attainment Register gives nearly complete coverage from 1970 onwards. There is, however information before this time coming from The Qualification Register.

The Student Registre

The Students Register, which was established in the early 1970's, is a longitudinal register that allow you to follow the educational careers of students in the mainline education system. The purpose of The Student Register is to analyze entrance to, enrolment in and graduation from the mainline education system as well as transmissions of student within the system.

Upper-Secondary Education

These statistics cover the activity in upper secondary education in Denmark. Upper secondary education is defined from Statistics Denmark's education classification DISCED-15 as all education classified on level 20 or 35. Upper secondary educations are typically 2-3 years in duration. Upper secondary education statistics are in their current form comparable since 2005 and are part of the overall Student Register, which contains information about all students in ordinary education in Denmark.

Vocational Education

These statistics cover vocational education activity in Denmark. A vocational education is a youth education which gives the student a vocational qualification. Vocational education statistics is in its current form comparable since 2005 and is part of the overall Student Register, which contains information on all students and students in ordinary education in Denmark.

Need more data on Upper secondary education?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find more detailed figures, e.g. distribution by ancestry, sex, age or region of residence.


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