Upper-Secondary Education
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Population and EducationAsger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46
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These statistics cover the activity in upper secondary education in Denmark. Upper secondary education is defined from Statistics Denmark's education classification DISCED-15 as all education classified on level 20 or 35. Upper secondary educations are typically 2-3 years in duration. Upper secondary education statistics are in their current form comparable since 2005 and are part of the overall Student Register, which contains information about all students in ordinary education in Denmark.
Statistical presentation
These statistics contain figures about the enrollment and completion in upper-secondary education in Denmark. This includes the number of entrants, the number of completed and the number of active students. The statistics are divided by education and the students' age, sex, ancestry and national origin.
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Statistical processing
The data for these statistics are received yearly in November/December from The Ministry of Children and Education. This means that the data received by Statistics Denmark have already been corrected for errors. In addition, a thorough error searching and validation of data are done by Statistics Denmark, where data is controlled for fluctuations across time and irregularities at the individual level. The Ministry of Children and Education are involved in cases of substantial corrections.
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The statistics are relevant for public administrators, scientists and other analysts, journalists and citizens etc. as basis for prognoses, analyses and planning purposes in the educational field, but also for example in the labour market field and the integration field. The data of the statistics are used as background data for most of the personal statistics at Statistics Denmark, and are the basis for several tables in StatBank Denmark about education.
Accuracy and reliability
The administrative systems that are the basis for the statistics are used by the institutions for their own daily administration of the students as well as for the payment of various financial grants. Correct registers are therefore necessary for the economy of the institutions and contributes to an expected high quality of the data source. The Ministry of Children and Education conduct error detection of data and the quality of the received data is high. Errors do occur but they are in most cases corrected the following year.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately 4 months after the reference time, which is 1 October. The statistics are usually published without delay in accordance with the scheduled date.
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The current version of these statistics go back to 2005. However, statistics pertaining to upper secondary education in Denmark have been produced prior to 2005. The statistics are internationally comparable as upper secondary education is defined in similar ways internationally.
Accessibility and clarity
Statistics are released yearly in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Upper-secondary education. For further information, see the homepage of the statistics.