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Population and EducationAsger Bromose Langgaard
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The current version of these statistics go back to 2005. However, statistics pertaining to upper secondary education in Denmark have been produced prior to 2005. The statistics are internationally comparable as upper secondary education is defined in similar ways internationally.
Comparability - geographical
The statistics are part of the basis of data in the OECD publication Education at a Glance with international comparisons of entrance to and graduations from the education system. When comparing across countries one should take into account that upper secondary education can be understood differently.
Comparability over time
The version these statistics go back to 2005. Archived tables in the StatBank The earliest data on short-cycle higher education in the StatBank are from 2001. The archived tables are not directly comparable with the active tables. The archived tables are based on the old educational classification, which is no longer used.
Historical data The term "Higher Examination", which is an upper secondary education, was used for the first time in a statistical yearbook in 1914.
Coherence - cross domain
Since the statistics are publicized together with the statistics about other educational levels in the Student Register, it is possible to compare the upper secondary education statistics with statistics for other educational levels.
Coherence - internal
These statistics are internally coherent.