Statistical presentation
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Population and Education, Social StatisticsSusanne Mainz Sørensen
+45 20 34 51 79
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The Student Register is a longitudinal register that allows you to track the educational careers of each student throughout all the educational programs comprising their educational career. The register covers educational careers starting from preschool to PhD. All publicly recognized educational programs are included. Data about PhDs is delayed by one year compared to other data in the register. Adult or continuing education, as well as education taken outside Denmark, are not included in the register.
Data description
The Student Register is a longitudinal register that allows you to follow the educational career of each student throughout all the educational programs constituting their educational career. The register is updated annually with reported data from the educational institutions. The reports cover continuing students from the previous year, as well as entrances and exits during the year under review. Regarding exits, information on achieved qualifications (i.e., graduation) is retained. The register covers educational careers starting from preschool to a PhD at the university level. Basic school includes only grades 8-10 up to the school year 2005/06. From 2007, preschool through 7th grade is included. All publicly recognized educational programs are included. 'Recognized programs' means that the Ministry of Children and Education or another ministry has regulated and approved the programs. Data about PhDs are delayed by one year compared to the other data in the register.
Please note that adult or continuing education, as well as education taken outside Denmark, is not included in the register.
There are two versions of The Student Register:
ELEV3: Each grade in the basic school and upper secondary school has a separate record. Vocational education is divided into the basic part and the main part. Additionally, it is possible to see institution shifts and breaks during an education. This version of The Student Register is the most detailed.
ELEV3 gaps-closed: In this version of the register, all gaps in education resulting from institutional shifts and breaks during training are removed if the gap is less than 13 months, and each record is merged into one record.
The variable content of the Student Register is described on Statistics Denmark's website Variable content
Classification system
Publications from The Student Register primarily used Statistics Denmark's Classification of education (DISCED-15.). There are also 2 tables (UDDALL10 and EUD34) that use the Danish Educational Classification (DDU).
A description of these can be found at: DISCED
The tables LABY36 and LABY36A, which are related to the theme [Country and city](], are distributed among municipal groups.
Sector coverage
Educational institutions providing publicly recognized education or education which give access to public grants.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Enrolled: The student register is used to measure entrance to, enrolled and graduations from the ordinary education system. In connection with dissemination of statistical data in Statistic Denmark's Statbank the following definitions are used: Enrolled is defined as: people who are enrolled 1. October yyyy.
Graduate: The student register is used to measure entrance to, enrolled and graduations from the ordinary education system. In connection with dissemination of statistical data in Statistic Denmark's Statbank the following definitions are used: Graduate is defined as: people who completed an education in the period 1. October yyyy-1 - 30. September yyyy.
Entrance: The student register is used to measure entrance to, enrolled and graduations from the ordinary education system. In connection with dissemination of statistical data in Statistic Denmark's Statbank the following definitions are used: Entrance is defined as: people who begin their education in the period 1. October yyyy-1 - 30. September yyyy.
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is people.
Statistical population
The population consist of people who have been enrolled in an ordinary education in Denmark, that are public recognized. Since 2007 private education that give access to public grants is also included. The register covers education from preschool (up to 2006 only from 8th grade) up to PhD level. When the students register is updated, the information concerning the PhD are one year behind.
Reference area
The population consists of people who have been enrolled in an ordinary education in Denmark.
Time coverage
The Students Register, which was established in the early 1970s, is a longitudinal register and is updated once a year.
Base period
Not relevant for this register.
Unit of measure
The unit of measure is the number of people.
Reference period
The Student Register's reference time is 30. september yyyy.
Frequency of dissemination
Statistics are published yearly.
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark §6 and §8 stk. 3. Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning.
Cost and burden
The respondent burden is minimal. Data are collected from local school based administrative registers. Although a few institutions report by questionnaires.
Further information can be found on Statistics Denmark's homepage: Fulltime education.