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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Susanne Mainz Sørensen
+45 20 34 51 79

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The Student Registre

The information contained in The Student Register starts in 1973 and comparability over time is good. Basic school includes only grade 8-10. up to the school year 2005/06. From the school year 2006/2007 preschool through 7th grade is included.

Comparability - geographical

The Student Register forms the basis of data in the publication Education at a Glance from OECD with international comparisons of entrance to and graduations from the education system.

Comparability over time

The possibilities for comparisons over time are good in the Student Register. When an education program evolves and moves to a new level, it is assigned new UDD and AUDD codes, but both the old and new codes are placed at the new level in the DISCED education classification. This means that one does not need to search for, for example, the police officer education in different places in the education classification, even though the education for police officers has evolved and changed its level.

However, education reforms can bring about changes at the macro level. When an education program changes its group in the education classification, for example, from being a short tertiary education to being a medium tertiary education, the number of students in short tertiary educations can decrease while the number of students in medium tertiary educations can increase. This can affect comparability with previously published figures.

The Student Register was expanded with information about kindergarten through 7th grade from the 2006/2007 school year.

In 2017, Statistics Denmark began collecting information on which students complete their entire education in English. Students who complete the education in English are marked with education form (UFORM) 25 in the Student Register. Students who only complete parts of the education in English are not registered as English-speaking.

Coherence - cross domain

There are no comparable statistics in Denmark.

Coherence - internal

All data sources are considered to have the same high quality.