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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Susanne Mainz Sørensen
+45 20 34 51 79

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The Student Registre

The register illuminates entrances, departures, and student flows within the education system. It serves as the foundation for education tables in StatBank Denmark.

User Needs

Users are many and varied. The register forms the basis for many of the education tables in StatBank Denmark and is often used in connection with external service tasks ordered by the government, research institutions, NGOs, private companies, individuals, and not least to inquiries from the press.

User Satisfaction

Statistics Denmark actively involves users in education statistics to maximize their participation. Some users can be instrumental in ensuring high-quality data from schools. Others provide inspiration for new statistics and analysis. Additionally, Statistics Denmark seeks user input to enhance methods and models, driving ongoing improvement in statistics.

Data completeness rate

The register contains information about all ordinary full-time education in Denmark.