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Statistical processing

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Food Industries
Martin Lundø
+45 51 46 15 12

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Sales of food and beverages to food service

Data is validated on-line form. Subsequent data is checked and corrected by re-contact to respondents. Then summed data and ratios are calculated.

Source data

The survey is carried out as a questionnaire-based total count of food wholesalers with a floor limit of DKK 40 million. DKK turnover according to Statistics Denmark's business register of active enterprises (ESR). you swear.

The number of commercial kitchens, restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc. is quite comprehensive. In order to limit resource consumption and respondent burden, data is instead collected among food wholesalers. A general minimum limit of DKK 40 million is also used. DKK in turnover.

The frame population is drawn from the ESR. Delimited by primary or secondary industry code, in some cases supplemented by industrial companies or other industries with wholesale sales. In general, only food wholesalers are included (significant suppliers from other industries may, however, be included). Answers and units from previous surveys are also included in the structure of the population.

Sale of school milk is included. Foreign companies are not included as they are difficult to identify and get answers from. Their significance for the statistics is probably low.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Web form.

Data validation

In the validation of the online form, the following warning is triggered when entered: - High or low calculated price per kilo - Failure to indicate quantity by value or vice versa - Revenue for organic foodservice higher than foodservice in general

When validating after submitting the form, the following is checked and, if necessary, corrected. after re contacting the respondents: - High or low calculated kilo price (quantity or value corrected) - Failure to indicate quantity by value or vice versa - High or low proportion of organic food service - Marked changes in the level of sales compared to the previous census year

Data compilation

Corrected individual data forms the basis for:

  • Control of the sums at the group level
  • selected additional corrections Replies
  • Calculation of the organic market share (share of total sales to food service)
  • Calculation of the public sector's share of organic sales to food service
  • Summation and tabulation for publication

In the period 2013-2020, companies without organics were only included in 2013 and 2017. In the other years, the revenue for these companies was projected on the basis of these two years.


No corrections of data in addition to what has already been described under data validation and data processing.