Statistical presentation
Contact info
Food IndustriesMartin Lundø
+45 51 46 15 12
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The statistics are an annual web-based questionnaire survey on wholesalers' sales of food and beverages to the foodservice area - i.e. commercial kitchens, restaurants, institutions, etc. – i.e. companies and institutions where food is served. The questions relate partly to total turnover for foodservice, partly to turnover for organic foodservice, distributed over a limited number of product groups and customer groups. The turnover is calculated in terms of value (DKK million) and quantity (tonnes).
Data description
The statistics relate to sales to foodservice, including specifically organic products. Sales are distributed among a limited number of product groups and customer groups.
Food service means commercial kitchens, restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc. – i.e. companies and institutions where food is served.
Classification system
Classification of product groups
Classification of customer groups
The use appears from the statistics' questionnaire "Sales of food and beverages for foodservice - draft".
Sector coverage
Food Wholesalers.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Foodservice: Professional kitchens that prepare food for serving. Includes canteens, institutions, catering/transportable diners, restaurants, cafés, take-away etc.
Organic foods: Food and beverages that are produced and marketed as organic according to the EU's regulations. Goods which are neither defined as organic nor conventional are not covered (e.g. game meat, wild fish, salt and some other products).
Organic labeling: The Danish red "ø-label" (the Danish Food Agency), the EU's organic labels or other labels that comply with the EU's organic rules.
The Organic Cuisine Label: Labeling scheme from the Danish Food Agency which shows the proportion of organic food and drinks purchased at eateries: gold (90-100 per cent), silver (60-90 per cent) and bronze (30-60 per cent).
Statistical unit
Enterprises (economic entities).
Statistical population
Enterprises with the sale of food and drinks for food service.
Reference area
Time coverage
Base period
Not applicable to these statistics.
Unit of measure
Turnover: million DKK, per cent., tonnes.
Reference period
These statistics cover the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
The legal authority for data collection can be found in § 8, par. 1 in Danish Statistics Act. There is no EU regulation for the area.
Cost and burden
The reporting burden is calculated to be DKK 100,000 on average per year (2021).
Additional information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark or at the thematic site of the statistics.