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Government Finances, Economic Statistics
Ida Balle Rohde
+45 61 24 24 85

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Real property taxes

The statistics are part of the general economic debate. The statistics is in demand from ministries, politicians, public and private institutions, researchers, enterprises and news media. The statistics often gets a lot of attention in the media and amongst other professional users.

User Needs

The users are local authorities, government departments, organizations, private firms and private persons. The statistics can be used to get information about real property taxes in Denmark.

User Satisfaction

Statistics Denmark has several forums where key users of the statistics have the opportunity to participate, eg. The User Committee for Economic Statistics has the following general tasks:

  • Discuss and evaluate the results obtained and the planned development in the economic statistics
  • Discuss users' use of economic statistics and their need for new statistics
  • Discuss quality, documentation and dissemination of economic statistics

Data completeness rate

All data is published.