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Mining and Quarrying

The mining and quarrying statistics are a yearly measurement of extracted raw material types from land and from the sea floor stated in Cubic meters. The statistics are grouped by raw material types and by administrative regions and municipalities.

Data description

The statistics show trends in the extraction of raw materials in Denmark on land and from the bottom of the sea. It shows the quantitative distribution of types of raw materials and use as well as the geographical distribution of the extraction areas.

Classification system

Extraction on land: Stone, gravel and sand, quartz sand, granite, chalk and limestone, moler, clay, plastic clay and bentonite, peat and sphagnum and other raw materials: (Kaotin, sandstone, slate, clayey and also soil and top soil).

Some of the variables in the application statistics are divided into the following classifications, (subgroups):

  • Stone, gravel and sand: Construction and road materials, asphalt materials, concrete materials, other applications of materials and unknown applications of materials.
  • Quartz sand: Filter sand, sand for construction, concrete sand, sandblasting sand and other applications of sand.
  • Chalk and lime: Cement, flue gas filler, chalk for manufacturing, agriculture and for fodder, quicklime and paper stuffing.
  • Clay: Ceramic industry, red-burned bricks, yellow-burned bricks, and other applications of clay.

Extraction from the bottom of the sea: Stone, gravel and sand, paddings, stones and shells fished by buckets, other applications.

Sector coverage

The statistics include the primary industries.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Extractor: Person or company who has been given permission to extract raw materials granted by LBK nr 124 af 26/01/2017 (Bekendtgørelse af lov om råstoffer) or BEK nr 1680 af 17/12/2018 (Bekendtgørelse om efterforskning og indvinding af råstoffer fra søterritoriet og kontinentalsoklen)

Extraction area: Area with permission to extract raw materials granted by LBK nr 124 af 26/01/2017 (Bekendtgørelse af lov om råstoffer) or BEK nr 1680 af 17/12/2018 (Bekendtgørelse om efterforskning og indvinding af råstoffer fra søterritoriet og kontinentalsoklen)

Mining and Quarrying: Extraction of raw materials from land comprises stone, gravel and sand, Quarts sand, granite, clay, plastic clay and betonite, moler, chalk and limestone, peat an spagnum and other raw materials. Extraction of raw materials from the sea comprises sand, gravel and stone, gravel, padding, stone fished by buckets, shells fished by buckets and other applications

Statistical unit

The statistics are based on the raw materials which can be classed according to the Raw Materials Act (Råstofloven): Stone, gravel and sand, granite, chalk, etc. The statistics are divided into raw materials on land and from the bottom of the sea.

Statistical population

Anyone who extracts raw materials from land or sea

Reference area

The extraction of raw materials on land is distributed by county and municipality, after 2007 the distribution is instead on the municipalities and the new regions. Raw materials from the bottom of the sea are geographically distributed by area of water (place of extraction), and by municipality (port of discharge). The extraction of oil and natural gas is not distributed geographically.

Time coverage

The statistics cover the period from 2006 onwards. Older time series are described under Comparability over time.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The unit of measure is cubic meters.

Reference period

01-01-2023 - 31-12-2023

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

LBK nr 124 af 26/01/2017 Bekendtgørelse af lov om råstoffer, BEK nr 788 af 23/06/2014 Bekendtgørelse om ansøgning og indberetning om råstofindvinding på landjorden...., LBK nr 610 af 30/05/2018 Lov om Danmarks Statistik, BEK nr 1680 af 17/12/2018 Bekendtgørelse om efterforskning og indvinding af råstoffer fra søterritoriet og kontinentalsoklen

Cost and burden

The Regions collects data and submits data to Statistics Denmark via a system to system solution. There is accordingly no burden for the firms.


Additional information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark.