Mining and quarrying
How many raw materials are extracted from Danish gravel pits and quarries, and how many from the sea? Where does the extraction take place, and which types of raw materials are obtained? The mining and quarrying statistics is broken down by raw materials extracted from land and from the sea bed, respectively.
Explainer on…
Extraction is the process of retrieving raw materials from a mine, quarry, gravel pit or the ocean and preparing it for further processing or transport to the destination.
Selected statistics on Mining and quarrying
Extraction of raw materials on land over time

The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
Extraction of raw materials on land by region

The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
Extraction on land broken down by type of raw material

The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
Extraction of raw materials from waters over time

The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
Extraction of raw materials broken down by waters

The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
Extraction from waters broken down by type of raw material

The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The mining and quarrying statistics show the amount and type of mining and quarrying in Denmark. The statistics have been made since 1973 but is only comparable since 2006.