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Karsten Kjeld Larsen
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Mining and Quarrying

The statistics can be compared at the municipal level from 1980 onwards. The data has been largely unchanged over time. The quality or the reliability of the statistics is expected to be higher after 1990, because at that time a duty on the extraction of raw materials was introduced together with the control of all reports on extractions through the official channels. According to problems with implementation of the new municipality-reform in 2007 the data is considered to have a lower quality for 2007 than for 2006.

Comparability - geographical

There is no EU regulations or international standards, making comparability with other international statistics difficult.

Comparability over time

The statistics can be compared at the municipal level from 2006 onwards. Due to the the new municipality-reform in 2007, statistics before that time are aggregated at another level, and cannot be compared directly.

Coherence - cross domain

Statistics on sales by manufacturers: The statistics on sales by manufacturers contain information on, for example, turnover, from enterprises engaging in manufacturing and the extraction of raw materials. When comparing data from the statistics on sales by manufacturers and the statistics on raw materials, the following should be noted: In the statistics on sales by manufacturers, the turnover variable contains turnover of own products. Some of the extractors use the raw materials as an input in their own production. Such products will not be included in the statistics on sales by manufacturers, but only in the statistics on raw materials. Where the extractors belong to an industry outside manufacturing, for example contractors, other construction industry, agriculture, the transport industry and other manufacturing activities, the raw materials are only included in the statistics on raw materials. Many raw materials are extracted by enterprises with less than ten employees. These raw materials are only included in the statistics on raw materials. Finally salt is considered similar to other raw materials in the statistics on sales by manufacturers whereas salt is in fact a separate item in the statistics on raw materials.

General business statistics: The general business statistics contain information on, for example, turnover, employment, energy consumption and different accounting data for extractors belonging to the mining industry. Some of the estimations include only enterprises with more than 20 employees while others include only enterprises which are registered as cooperative societies or private limited companies. The share of the population of extractors included in these estimations differs, and it is far from the total population, as can be seen in the statistics on the extraction of raw materials.

Statistics on national accounts: The statistics on national accounts include in the extraction of raw materials data on the extraction of oil and natural gas. In addition, the statistics on national accounts include only one variable: other extractions, and this concept is stone, sand and gravel, etc., which is the main concept in the statistics on the extraction of raw materials.

Coherence - internal

There are no sources for possible internal inconsistency.