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Labour and Income, Social statistics.
Pernille Stender.
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Labour Market Account

The Labour Market Account is compiled annually and provides information on the population´s labour market status, where labour-market related activities are given the highest priority. The statistics are compiled in terms of full-time persons.

Data on the population´s labour market status are broken down by socio-economic groups i.e. persons in employment, students, unemployed persons and other persons receiving public benefits, children and young people and other people outside the labour force.

Data description

The Labour Market Account is compiled annually and provides information on the population´s labour market status, where labour-market related activities are given the highest priority.

With the establishment of the LMA, it is possible for the first time to compile the population´s labour market status in terms of full-time persons. This is because a standardization of hours is carried out, where a person of the population is incorporated with 37 hours per week. The total number of full-time persons in the LMA corresponds to the average Danish population.

At the same time, a far better analysis of the labour market is achieved by the LMA, than the previous analyses provided by the existing individual statistics, due to the circumstance that a great number of data sources is integrated and harmonized in one statistical system.

Data on the population´s labour market status are broken down by socio-economic groups i.e. persons in employment, students, unemployed persons and other persons receiving public benefits, children and young people and other people outside the labour force.

The statistics are broken down by sex, age, origin and municipality.

The statistics are published in the news letter “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik” (News from Statistics Denmark) and are also available from the database and detailed microdata are also made available via Statistics Denmark´s Division for Research Services.

Classification system

The LMA are compiled in accordance with the international guidelines laid down by the ILO (International Labour Market Organisation) concerning classification of the population in relation to labour market status. The classification is called ICSE (International Classification of Status in Employment).

The ILO guidelines are aimed at survey-based statistics. In connection with compiling the LMA, an operationalization of the guidelines has been conducted on the basis of the possibilities opened up by the sources when they are register-based.

Sector coverage

The statistics cover all sectors.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Full-time persons: The compilation of full-time persons is based on the existing hourly standard, i.e. 37 hours per week. A full-time person corresponds to 37 hours, and a person can at maximum contribute with 37 hours in the LMA.

This implies that if a person has more than 37 hours, a reduction/redistribution is conducted of the hours on the basis of the validity assessed to be inherent in the information. When the information is assessed to be equally valid, employment is given the highest weight.

Socio-economic status: Socio- economic status is the core variable in the LMA. The variable is constructed by classifying the population on the basis of the ILO recommendations with regard to concepts and definitions concerning labour market statistics.

NEET: NEET stands for Not in Employment, Education or Training, and is an indicator for the share of young people of a given age group that is not in employment or education. The indicator is traditionally calculated in Eurostat and OECD, and both are using the international interview based Labour Force Survey (LFS) as data foundation.

Since the LMA is a longitudinal register it is possible to follow the populations attachment to the labour market from day to day. Therefore it is also possible to calculate a NEET-indicator that is based on the same method and definition as the traditional indicators based on survey data from the LFS. The indicator is calculated on the basis of the LMA and includes young people at the age of 16 to 24. The young people are defined as NEET if they are out of employment in the time of reference (last week of November) and haven't been in education within the last four weeks (the last week of November and the previous three weeks).

In April 2017 the register based NEET-indicator based on the LMA is first published and covers the years 2008 to 2015. The LMA covers in contrary to the LFS, which is a sample, the hole population and is published with several background information about the population. Therefore it is with the register based NEET-indicator possible to break down the indicator on other variables such as age, education or geography.

Statistical unit

Full-time persons.

Statistical population

The population in the LMA is the Danish population.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics are compiled for the first time. The statistics cover the period 2008 to 2021.

Base period

Not relevant for the statistics.

Unit of measure

Full-time persons.

Reference period

01-01-2021 - 31-12-2021

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are published annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

Section 6 of the Act on Statistics Denmark.

Cost and burden

No response burden.


You can read more about the LMA Labour market accounts.