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Labour Market
Pernille Stender
+45 24 92 12 33

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Labour Market Account

The statistics cover the period 2008 to 2021, and during this period the development are comparable.

Comparability - geographical

There are no international statistics, where the population´s labour market status is compiled in terms of full-time persons. Consequently, the statistics are not internationally comparable.

Comparability over time

The statistics cover the period 2008 to 2021, and during this period the development are comparable.

Coherence - cross domain

The LMA constitute a population account compiled in terms of full-time persons. Several of the data sources applied in the LMA are also compiled in terms of full-time persons. This applies to the statistics on employees in employment and the statistics on people receiving public benefits. However, the information in the LMA with regard to the number of full-time employed persons and people receiving public benefits will be at a lower level than is the case in the two statistics mentioned. The main reasons for this are that:

  • The number of hours worked by full-time employed persons are reduced in the LMA, implying that a person can at maximum work for 37 hours. This hourly standard is not conducted with regard to the statistics on employees in employment. At the same time, some employees also have a job as self-employed, which can result in a further reduction of the number of hours worked by full-time employed persons. This is conducted because in such cases a proportionate reduction to 37 hours of both jobs is performed.

  • A general reduction is performed for people receiving public benefits when the person is, at the same time, is working. This can, e.g. apply to a recipient of early retirement pay, who is, at the same time, working, and consequently a reduction of the number of hours that he/she is a recipient of early retirement pay is reduced.

Coherence - internal

There is complete internal consistency. The same types of background information are applied for the entire population.