ICT Use in Enterprises
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+45 20 14 57 90
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The purpose of the statistics is to shed light on the use of ICT in enterprises, including e-commerce and benefits/barriers to the use of ICT technologies. The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states. The statistics form part of Statistics Denmark's focus on the information society. The survey has been carried out annually since 1998.
Statistical presentation
The statistics are published annually and describes the use of ICT in enterprises in Denmark. The following areas are covered: The prevalence and use of ICT, including ICT technologies and e-commerce. A considerable number of variables are replaced each year as a result of the development in user needs and new technology. The survey covers enterprises with more than 10 employees in the private, non-financial urban industries.
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Statistical processing
The statistic is annual and questionnaire-based. Validation includes consistency checks built into the digital form, combined with subsequent checks and possible re-contact to reporting enterprises. The published results are grossed up to population level. Stratification is based on activity and enterprise size class.
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The results are used by ministries, organizations, researchers and journalists etc., as a basis for political interventions, analyses, articles and research projects etc. A considerable number of variables are replaced each year as a result of the development in user needs and the need to measure new technology. The on-going development of the survey contents takes place in close dialogue with national stakeholders as well as in the European Union fora. The statistics is co-funded by the European Union.
Accuracy and reliability
The results from the survey for enterprises with at least 10 full-time employees are based on data from 4,139 enterprises from a total population of 18,379 enterprises. The survey is sample based and consequently there is some uncertainty in the results in the form of random variation from the branch and enterprise size. Every year uncertainty calculations are produced, and these show that the sampling uncertainty is limited.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published 7 months after the end of the reference period. No preliminary figures are published. Results are published in September, where the reference period is January (and, for some variables, the previous calendar year).
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The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states. A large number of questions in the survey are replaced annually, so there is not a continuous time series for all the results.
Accessibility and clarity
News from Statistics Denmark and the main results are available in Danish on Statistics Denmark's homepage at the address Statistics Denmark's homepage.