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Anton Lyngvold Erenbjerg
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ICT Use in Enterprises

The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states. A large number of questions in the survey are replaced annually, so there is not a continuous time series for all the results.

Comparability - geographical

The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states, and the results are therefore generally comparable.

Comparability over time

By comparisons over time, the following changes should be taken into account. The StatBank, have results from 2004 onwards for enterprises with at least 10 full-time employees.

For some items the wording of questions and answers are adjusted over time.

Enterprise size classes covered in the survey over time

  • 2024: 10+ employees
  • 2023: 10+ employees
  • 2022: 10+ employees
  • 2021: 10+ employees and 5-9 employees (enterprises with 5-9 employees received a reduced version of the questionnaire)
  • 2020: 10+ employees
  • 2019: 10+ employees and 5-9 employees (enterprises with 5-9 employees received a reduced version of the questionnaire)
  • 2018: 10+ employees
  • 2017: 10+ employees
  • 2016: 10+ employees and 5-9 employees
  • 2004-2015: 10+ employees
  • 2000-2002: 5+ employees
  • 1999: 10+ employees
  • 1998: 20+ employees

  • Change in industry coverage: From 2021 veterinarians are included.

  • Notable changes in the industry coverage. The financial sector is only included in 2005-2010.

Weighting results: The published results in 1998 and 1999 were not raised to the total population at the publishing. Figures from 1999 have subsequently been raised for later publications.

Coherence - cross domain

Statistics Denmark also produces statistics on the ICT usage by households and individuals.

Coherence - internal

A number of checks and validation mechanisms as well as reporting aides for the reporter’s understanding of the questionnaire are built into the digital form. This includes among other things checks on sum totals of quantitative fields (e.g. that reported percentages add to 100 per cent) as well as filter and routing mechanisms (e.g. so that information cannot be reported in fields, where the enterprise should not provide any information).