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The statistics are released in the newsletter Nyt from Statistics Denmark (in Danish only) and the Statbank, Statbank tables on hospitalisation rates ( Statistical Yearbook and Statistical Ten-Year Review contain selected sections about hospitalisation rates.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The statistics are published annually in Danish press releases called Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (in Danish only).
The statistics are presented in the annual publications in Statistical Ten-Year Review, Statistical Yearbook and Denmark in Figures, which can be found in Statistics Denmark’s web pages.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject hospital utilisation Statistics Denmark
From 2019-2022: - INDL_001: Admissions (LPR3) by region, diagnosis main groups, emergency/non-emergency, age and sex - INDL_002: Hospitalized patients in somatics and psychiatry by region of residence, hospital service type, admissions, age and sex - INDL_003: Hospitalized patients in public and private hospitals by region of residence, hospital, age and sex - INDL_004: Hospitalized patients by hospital service type, ancestry, age and sex - INDL_005: Hospitalized patients by hospital service type, family type, age and sex - INDL_01: Admissions (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (99 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex - INDL_02: Admissions (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (23 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex
- AMBU_001: Out-patient treatments (LPR3) by region, diagnosis main groups, emergency/non-emergency, age and sex
- AMBU_002: Out-patients in somatics and psychiatry by region of residence, hospital service type, treatment numbers, age and sex
- AMBU_003: Out-patients in public and private hospitals by region of residence, hospital, age and sex
- AMBU_004: Out-patients by hospital service type, ancestry, age and sex
- AMBU_005: Out-patients by hospital service type, family type, age and sex
- AMBU_01: Out-patient treatments (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (99 groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex
- AMBU_02: Out-patient treatments (LPR3) by region, diagnosis (23groups), emergency/non-emergency, age and sex
The following tables are updated until 2018: - INDAMP01: Population by region, group of persons, key figures, age, sex and time - INDAMP02: Population by region, group of diagnosis, key figures, age, sex and time - INDAMP03: Population by group of diagnosis, key figures, age, sex and time - IND03: Admissions, bed-days and hospital patients by region, key figures, age, sex and time - IND04: Admissions, bed-days and hospital patients by region, key figures, diagnosis, age, sex and time - IND05: Admissions, bed-days and hospital patients by region, key figures, bed-days, age, sex and time - INDP01: Hospital patients by region, dominant diagnosis, age, sex and time - INDP02: Hospital patients by region, diagnosis, age, sex and time - AMB03: Out-patient treatments and out-patients by region, key figures, age, sex and time - AMB04: Out-patient treatments and out-patients by region, key figures, diagnosis, age, sex and time - AMB05: Out-patient treatments and out-patients by region, key figures, out-patiens treatments, age, sex and time - AMBP01: Out-patients by region, dominant diagnosis, age, sex and time - AMBP02: Out-patients by region, diagnosis, age, sex and time - SKAD01: Emergency department visits by region, diagnosis, age, sex and time - SKAD02: Emergency department visits by region, diagnosis, age, sex and time - SKAD03: Emergency department visits and emergency patients by region, key figures, age, sex and time - SKAD04: Emergency department visits and emergency patients by region, key figures, diagnosis, age, sex and time - SKAD05: Emergency department visits and emergency patients by region, key figures, reason for contact, age, sex and time - SKADP01: Emergency department patients by region, dominant contact reason, age, sex and time - SKADP02: Emergency department patients by region, reason for contact, age, sex and time - LIGEHI7: Gender equality indicator of admissions, outpatient treatm. and e.r. visits by indicator, type, region, age, family type, diagnosis and time - LIGEHB7: Admissions, outpatient treatments and emergency room visits by type, region, sex, age, family type, diagnosis and time
Micro-data access
Researchers and other analysts from authorized research institutions, can be granted access to the underlying microdata by contacting Research Services.
Information from the Hospital Utilization register can be made available in a different form than in the Statistics Bank, e.g. tailor-made tasks can be ordered via DST-Consulting at or Consulting.
Confidentiality - policy
Publications of Hospitalisation utilisation comply with the data privacy policy of Statistics Denmark.
Confidentiality - data treatment
Data is discretized when there are fewer than 3 observations in a strata.
Documentation on methodology
From 2019 onwards a download in Danish on the methodology is available in a note (named Notat_om_nye_nøgletal_for_indlagte_og_ambulante_patienter_på_sygehuse.pdf ) from Sundhedsdatastyrelsen: Furthermore, the content of the register of Hospital Utilization Statistics is documented in Statistics Denmark’s documentation system.
Before 2019, the basis and contents of the statistics are described in Statistical Information. Statistical Information for 2012 is the last version of this and concerns admissions (not outpatient treatments). Furthermore, the content of the register of Hospital Utilization Statistics is documented in Statistics Denmark’s documentation system (TIMES).
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.