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Electricity and natural gas prices

The collected prices on energy plus information from distributers and the Tax authority on tariffs, taxes and VAT, respectively, are compiled to fulfill the definitions on the four prices levels

Source data

Data on the basic energy prices is collected from all enterprises selling electricity and natural gas about amounts and connected values, broken down by customers by amount of use. Based on the data, the paid average prices on the energy are calculated. The date covers almost all customers in Denmark. Data are collected for all types of contracts (fixed or variable prices), so average prices can be compiled. However, for households only app. 75 per cent of consumption is covered using a product basket

Information on prices on distribution, on tariffs etc. are based on public available data from The Danish Utility Regulator, see Elpriser og Gaspriser Further data from Energinet is used Energinet-tariffer.

Actual level of taxes and schemes for re-coverage are mainly based the Tax Authority (SKAT) The taxes in question are Co2-tax, NOX-tax, electricity tax, PSO-tax, energy saving fee and VAT

Regarding compensation in 2022 to households for high energy prices information from Danish Energy Agency is used.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The enterprises selling electricity and natural gas are reporting via the general reporting facility for enterprises ( Their reporting is based on sales registers.

Data validation

The Energy Agency validates the collected data by comparing with previous reports, average prices, actual prices at the spot-market etc. Statistics Denmark also goes through the development in the price components to ensure the quality of the data.

Data compilation

The data collected from the natural gas and electricity sales enterprises are aggregated in size groups and average prices are compiled Further, distribution costs for the size groups are compiled based on information from the distributors, using market shares as weight

The level 0 price is an direct outcome of the data collection of energy prices at the producing companies.

The prices at level 1 can be calculated adding the calculated prices on transmission and distribution by size group.

Taxes and business customers re-coverage are compiled into net paid taxes for the respective size groups. By this prices at level 2 can be calculated

The prices at level 3 are compiled by adding total taxes and VAT to level 1 price.

Results are compiled at semi-annual basis. On annual basis a break down of distribution costs and taxes are also compiled and submitted to Eurostat, together with information of the volume of energy in the respective size groups.

Distribution costs are compiled based on several sources. The size groups in these sources does not always fit with these in the statistics, but by calculations it is possible to align.

The compiling on net taxes for business customers is for electricity partly based on information from the tax authority, partly based on knowledge on which enterprises pays reduced PSO-tax due to special energy processes. For natural gas, the re-coverage of Natural gas tax, the NOX-tax and the CO2-tax is also based on data on energy processes. Further, enterprises which own a CO2-quota, does not pay CO2-tax, which also are taken into consideration. By combination of information, the net taxes are compiled.


Normally there are no corrections done afterwards. In size groups with few customers corrections may happen, for example in group D1 for households buying natural gas.