Statistical presentation
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Natural gas and electricity prices are overall compiled for household customers and business customers, in practice consumers which are non-households. The prices are compiled for the customers broken down use per year. Some price elements are very depending of the amount of use. Prices are compiled biannual in four levels: Price at energy company, Price incl. supply, Price incl. non-recoverable taxes, 3. Prices including all taxes and VAT, as the final price are composed of several elements. The main collection and compiling of data are done by the Danish Energy Agency.
Data description
Prices of natural gas (a mix of natural gas and bio-natural gas) and electricity are overall compiled for:
- household customers, i.e. private consumers
- business customers, i.e. costumers which are non-households
The prices are compiled for the customers broken down by amount of use per year. Some elements are very depending of amount of use. The prices are compiled in four levels:
- Price at the energy companies. (Level 0)
- Price 0 plus transmission and distribution (Level 1)
- Price 1 plus non-recoverable taxes (level 2)
- Prices including all taxes (level 3)
In particular the non-recoverable taxes are difficult to compile, as large parts are recovered together together with payments of VAT. Similar, households using electricity for heating pays reduced electricity tax.
In 2022 the government has paid a lump sum to citizens with low income to compensate for the high costs for heating among households, as well among users of natural gas and users of electricity for heating. The calculated average subsidy-value per energy unit is deducted in level 2 and level 3 prices and mentioned in the food-note in the databank tables.
In 1st half of 2023 the electricity tax was deducted to a minimum level of 0,8 øre per kWh. It is 73,5 øre lower than the previous half year. Since the tax has been at normal level.
I Prices are collected from sales companies. Further, public available information from distributers are used , supplemented by actual fees and taxes plus schemes for recovering. Some elements in the prices are partly based on estimates and not registered payments.
Classification system
Prices are compiled for the groups:
Households (private consumers/customers) Natural gas, size groups (m3 per year): D1: < 457, D2: 457 < 4.570, D3: >= 4.570 Electricity, size groups (kWh per year): DA: 0-1.000, DB: 1.000-2.500, DC: 2.500-5.000, DD: 5.000-15.000, DE > 15.000
Business consumers/customers Natural gas, size groups (m3 pr. year) I1: < 22.849, I2: 22.849 < 228.490, I3: 228.490 < 2.284.900, I4: 2.284.900 < 22.849.000, I5: 22.849.000 < 91.396.000, I6: > = 91.396.000 Electricity, size groups (kWh pr. year) IA: 0-20, IB: 20-500, IC: 500-2.000, ID: 2.000-20.000, IE: 20.000-70.000, IF: 70.000-150.000, IG: > 150.000
There are no customers in Denmark fitting the largest size group for natural gas.
Business customers are not defined as such, but are "non-household customers"
The size groups for natural gas are basically defined in Gigajoule (GJ), which explain the figures. However, the main used unit i Denmark is m3/cubicmeter
Sector coverage
These statistics covers both households and enterprises in Denmark.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Price at energy company (Level 0): Price for energy product at energy company
Price energy and distribution (level 1): Price for energy product incl. distribution
Price including non-recoverable taxes (level 2): Price for energy product incl. non-recoverable taxes
Price including paid taxes and VAT (level 3): Price for energy product incl. paid taxes and VAT
Statistical unit
The results are compiled and published for electricity and natural gas customers. For the private customers this is equivalent to the household. Business customers are normally equivalent to an enterprise or to a local production unit, which is part of an enterprise.
Statistical population
The statistics covers prices at energy goods in Denmark within electricity and natural gas.
Reference area
Time coverage
These statistics current time series covers 2015 and onwards.
Base period
Only current prices are compiled.
Unit of measure
DKK per energy unit
For electricity the prices are compiled in DKK per KWh and GJ, respectively For natural gas the prices are compiled in DKK per m3 and Gigajoule (GJ), respectively. Calculation from m3 to GJ is by the gross calorific value.
Reference period
The information published is for half a year. The results are averages for the half year in question. Tariffs and taxes are in most cases valid for a calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
The prices are compliant to the requirements in Regulation (EU) 2016/1952 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016, on European statistics on natural gas and electricity prices. The regulation has replaced Directive 2008/92/EC. The Energy Agency collects data based on a specific mandate.
Cost and burden
Not calculated, bus the direct collection includes 50 providers of electricity and 20 providers of natural gas. Further, results are used from about 40 distributers of electricity an 2 distributers of natural gas
Further information can be found at the subject page for these statistics, or by contacting Statistics Denmark.