Electricity and natural gas prices
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Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsOle Olsen
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The statistics shows prices of natural gas and electricity, within break downs into size groups of consumers, business and household respectively. Prices are shown, without and with taxes and VAT. The prices are to be comparable across EU countries for the benefit of a well functioning single market. The statistics has been compiled since 2007 in the present way.
Statistical presentation
Natural gas and electricity prices are overall compiled for household customers and business customers, in practice consumers which are non-households. The prices are compiled for the customers broken down use per year. Some price elements are very depending of the amount of use. Prices are compiled biannual in four levels: Price at energy company, Price incl. supply, Price incl. non-recoverable taxes, 3. Prices including all taxes and VAT, as the final price are composed of several elements. The main collection and compiling of data is done by the Danish Energy Agency.
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Statistical processing
The data is collected from sales companies. Furthermore, public available information from distributers isused , supplemented by actual fees and taxes plus schemes for recovering. Some elements in the prices are partly based on estimates and not registered payments. The collected prices on energy plus information from distributers and the Tax authority on tariffs, taxes and VAT, respectively, are compiled to fulfill the definitions on the four price levels.
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Natural gas and electricity costs are important to most citizens and enterprises and also in regards to the competitive situation among EU-countries. Therefore, it is relevant with reliable, transparent and comparable price statistics at important energy product.
Accuracy and reliability
The product prices for electricity and natural gas are based on a total census. However, there may be uncertainty in the composition of different data components, as they do not always follow the same groupings. Payments on account may result in minor accrual shifts in natural gas prices. In addition, distribution costs may be difficult to calculate precisely in relation to the actual average deliveries to customers. The statistics are based on certain model assumptions, including the behavior of companies eligible for reimbursement and households' use of electric heating. Overall, however, the uncertainty is assessed to be low, and any errors or deviations are corrected on an ongoing basis.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The results have to be compiled three month after end of reference period, i.e. end of March and end of September, respectively
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The results are fully comparable over time from 2015 and onwards. For previous years there are also high comparability, in particular for largest size groups (non-households). Prices since 2007 are in Eurostats databank.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in the StatBank under Electricity and natural gas prices. See also the subject page.