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Business Demography

The purpose of the Business Demography is to provide information about the development of enterprise births and deaths as well as the survival of new enterprises over a period of five years. The statistics is comparable from 2019 onwards.

Statistical presentation

The statistics cover the annual number of enterprise births and deaths and provides information on turnover and employment. The results are broken down by industry, size class, enterprise form, and geographical location. The statistics are disseminated in Nyt from Statistics Denmark and in our statbank.

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Statistical processing

Data is collected from the Statistical Business Register. Subsequently various processes are undertaken to determine whether or not an enterprise is new (enterprise birth), terminated (enterprise death), or surviving. The controls are done to validate if the new enterprises, which exists in the administrative reality, are in fact real new enterprises, which enters the economy, or if it is an activity that is continued after a takeover or e.g. a split of an existing enterprise.

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The statistic is used by ministries and governmental agencies, regional and county authorities as well as private sector institutions and enterprises

The statistic is a central indicator for entrepreneurship and for sustainability in the economy, and there is a large demand for using the output in combination with other sources, and following the development of enterprises who survive.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics is based on validated register data.

Uncertainty is related to relations between units and work places, which are primarily based on digital income reporting by enterprises, and lack of knowledge concerning the transfer of activities from one enterprise to another, including the separation of activities.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics is published annually. The publication is usually available 18 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics is also published with preliminary data 12 months after the end of the reference year.

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The national published Business Demography is a sub-population of the Danish published General enterprise statistics.

Covering private enterprises excluding agriculture, the Danish published Business demography can be compared to the Business Statistics published by Eurostat.

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Accessibility and clarity

Results are published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik. Results are also available in the StatBank under the topic Business demography.

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