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Statistical processing

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Business Dynamics, Business Statistics
Asbjørn Hviid Mikkelsen
+45 29 42 68 36

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Business Demography

Data is collected from the Statistical Business Register. Subsequently various processes are undertaken to determine whether or not an enterprise is new (enterprise birth), terminated (enterprise death), or surviving. The controls are done to validate if the new enterprises, which exists in the administrative reality, are in fact real new enterprises, which enters the economy, or if it is an activity that is continued after a takeover or e.g. a split of an existing enterprise.

Source data

The Central Business Register is the basis of the statistics.

Data elements are obtained from the General enterprise statistics.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The statistics is based on register data.

Data validation

The statistics is based on validated data. The statistics is validated against earlier reference years on industry. Moreover, large new enterprises are manually validated regarding the status as a genuine enterprise birth or death. This is amongst other things done using address information and the employment information. What is validated is if the new enterprises which exists in the administrative reality, are in fact real new enterprises, which enters the economy, or if it is an activity that is continued after a takeover or e.g. a split of an existing enterprise.

In addition, an extra manual check of enterprises with more than 10 full-time employees or with a turnover of 20 m. DKK or more is performed. This might indicate that the enterprise is formed on basis of e.g. a split-off from a former enterprise, and thereby not being a genuine new enterprise.

Data compilation

Data is aggregated from Micro-data delivered by the Statistical Business Register to the level of publication.


No data correction is made, except what is already described under the section for data validation and statistical processing.