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Manufacturers’ Sales of Goods

Here you can declare data to the statistic


Declare via IDEP


Companies typically spend approx. 30 minutes on this declaration.

NOTE: Your information about sales can either be entered or uploaded in IDEP. Total turnover information must be entered.

What is your declaration used for?

The statistic illustrates the development in sales of goods and services in the manufacturing industries. It is used by, amongst others, inter-branch organizations, market analysts and political decision-makers as well as EU and UN. It is also an important source for the Danish national accounting.

Your declaration has two parts:

  • Part 1: Sales of goods and services: quantity and value of sales of goods distributed via production types and commodity or service codes.
  • Part 2: Total turnover: including non-allocated discounts, bonuses, merchandise sales and other turnover.

NOTE: The declaration must be entered in WHOLE DANISH KRONER.

Read more here: Which data should you declare?

More about the declaration:

Deadlines for data declaration
Period Deadline
1st quarter 2022 20 April 2022
2nd quarter 2022 27 July 2022
3rd quarter 2022 14 October 2022
4th quarter 2022 16 January 2023

Request an extension of the deadline.

Which data should you declare?

The declaration has two parts: 1) Sales of goods and services and 2) Total turnover:

1) Sales of goods and services:

Types of production: Sales of goods and services includes four types of production: 1) Production on own production account, 2) Production outsourced to others, 3) Production as a subcontractor, 4) Industrial services. You can read more about types of productions here: What data should I declare (PDF)?

Commodity codes: Sales of goods and services must be declared by distribution them by commodity/goods codes. You can find them in the declaration solution. Your most used commodity/goods codes will be saved each time. You can read more here: Commodity/goods codes and units of quantity (in Danish) or Industrial service codes (in Danish).

Quantity and value: You have to declare quantity and value for each commodity code (excl. VAT).

To enter manually or to upload? If you have many goods to declare, you can import your data as an Excel-spreadsheet, instead of manually entering it – see below: How can you declare?

2) Total turnover:

  • Total turnover includes the sum of sales of goods and services and the discounts, bonuses, merchandise sales and other turnover. You enter the data manually.

If your company has not sold goods or services during the quarter, you only need to declare the total turnover data.

Read more about the contents of the declaration (PDF).
How can you declare?

You declare via IDEP, where you can either enter the data manually or import a file with your data on the sales of goods. Data on total turnover is entered manually.

You have to prepare your file, before you start your declaration, if you want to import your data on the sales of goods – see the Quick guide: Declare by importing sales of goods data (PDF).

Start your data declaration on IDEP:

  • Click on Start your declaration at the top of this page.
  • Click on Create a new declaration.
  • Choose survey: Prodcom.
  • Choose declaration type:
    • Import data from file
    • No sale of own goods
    • Manual data entry
  • Choose period: For example: 2022-1: 1st Quarter 2022.
  • Choose production types for the goods sold: 1) Own production, 2) Goods produced for the company, by a subcontractor, 3) Goods produced by the company, as a subcontractor, for others, 4) Industrial services.

Declare sales of goods data:

Declare total turnover:

  • Check the total value of the declared sales of goods and services.
  • Enter the data on any discounts, bonuses, merchandise sales and other turnover.
  • Click on: Yes, send declaration (the declaration is not registered until it is sent).
Guides, commodity/goods codes, service codes and file examples

Commodity/goods and industrial service codes:

Dataimport example files:

Why does the company have to declare?

Declaration is mandatory by law.

EU legislation obliges Denmark to produce a number of business statistics.

Lov om Danmarks Statistik (The Danish Statistics Act) obliges businesses to report information for statistics.

The numbers of companies with declaration requirement

Approx. 3.000 kind-of-activity units are required to declare quarterly, every year.

How are the companies chosen?

All kind-of-activity units, with at least 10 fulltime employees and main industry in manufacturing and raw material extraction, are required to declare. The population is chosen once a year based on the industry data at the start of the reference year and employment in the 3rd quarter the year before.

Typical time spent per. declaration is approx. 30 minutes.

Companies can voluntarily state the time spent in the declaration solution. Companies typically spends approx. 30 minutes on a declaration – including access, provision of information, data entry and possible support.

Help with declaration

Do you need help?

Our support team can reply to you via email or call you.

Support request form.

Longer deadline?

Request an extension through our support request form.

Request an extension.

Latest news from the statistic (in Danish)

Industriens omsætning nåede nye højder i 2024

3. marts 2025

Industriens omsætning nåede nye højder i 2024

Den samlede omsætning i den danske industri inkl. råstofindvending steg i 2024 med 6,5 pct. i forhold til 2023, hvilket er en fremgang på 73,7 mia. kr. til 1.211 mia. kr.

Tabeller i Statistikbanken om 'Industriens salg af varer'

Subject page: Sales of goods by manufacturing industries.

Documentation of the statistic: Manufacturer's Sales of Goods.