Morocco 2019-2023
, Statistics Denmark is implementing the first phase of a Strategic Sector Program in Morocco financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our partner is the High Commission for Planning (Haut-Commissariat au Plan - HCP) which is the main producer of official Statistics in the Kingdom of Morocco., The overall objective, The overall objective of the Strategic Sector Program is to contribute to the public debate in Morocco by providing the society with relevant and easily accessible statistics and support informed decision making by supporting a:, digital data transformation with the aim to improve the quality of statistics and increase the efficiency of the statistics production,, strengthened user orientation to better understand user needs and improveuser-friendliness and accessibility so more data is used by all levels of society,, improved monitoring and reporting of the Sustainable Development Goals., The project is structured around seven outcomes and associated outputs:, A. Commitment to an IT system where data is treated secure and confidential., Output A1: It strategy and guidelines are developed, Output A2: A data management center is designed and developed, B. Digital data reception replaces manual processes., Output B1: Web based surveys are used for business statistics, Output B2: A digital data collection system is designed and in place (cancelled and merged with output A2), C. Commitment to quality principles is formalized and integrated into all levels of the statistics production., Output C1: Structure and processes for quality principles are formalized and standardized, D. Administrative data is used to a larger extend in the production of statistics - and as input to reporting in the SDGs., Output D1: Agreements on regular data delivery with other public data providers have been established, E. An updated statistical business register lay the basis for all business statistics and provide opportunities for new and higher quality business statistics in general., Output E1: Volume of information in the statistical business register is increased, Output E2: System for automatic update of the statistical business register is developed, Watch the video below about establishing a statistical business register in Morocco under the Strategic Sector Cooperation between Statistics Denmark and Haut-Commissariat au Plan. , F. User orientation including the private sector is strengthened by putting users and their needs at the center of the work of HCP., Output F1: Communication and dissemination strategy developed, Output F2: User dialogue is improved, Output F3: Website of HCP is more user-friendly incl. the HCP StatBank, G. Environmental statistics is improved., Output G1: Quality of environmental statistics arc improved and more indicators are available for SDG monitoring, , Below you can find a video about the project in Morocco. , A shorter version is also available below the long version., Video on the Strategic Sector Programme - long version - approx. 9 minutes, , Video on the Strategic Sector Programme - short version - approx 3 minutes, , Video on the establishment of a Statistical Business Register - approx 3,5 minutes, , ,