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Interest rates and fees

What is the average effective interest rate on new bank loans? What is the average mortgage interest rate including administration rate? The statistics on interest rates and administration rates provide an overview of interest rates, administration rates, and business volume for new and outstanding deposits and loans in banks and mortgage-credit institutions. 

Explainer on…

Financial institution that provides loans against registered mortgages on the basis of issuance of mortgage bonds. Mortgage credit institutions are exclusively entitled to operate mortgage lending business in Denmark.

Common denomination for banks and savings banks. The Danish sector for banks are characterized by a large number of smaller banks and few large banks who account for the majority of the market.

The cost of borrowing money and the return on savings at the bank. In the case of a loan, the interest rate is the price the borrower pays to borrow money. In the case of savings, the interest rate is the return from the bank for lending savings to the bank. It is usually calculated as a percentage of the total loan amount or savings amount.

The amount a borrower with a mortgage loan pays to the mortgage credit institution for the administration of the loan. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the total debt.

The amount that a borrower regularly pays to their creditor/lender in order to bring down the outstanding debt on the loan.

Selected statistics on Interest rates and fees

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Interest rates and fees. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

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Danmarks Nationalbank produces and publishes the statistics 'Interest and administration rates'. Statistics Denmark makes data available to users on this subject page and in Statbank Denmark.

Interest rates on deposits

The figure shows the average effective interest rate on deposits in Danish banks for private customers (1430), sole proprietorships and non-financial corporations.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in the documentation Balance sheet and Interest rate statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank 

Interest rates on bank debt

The figure shows the average effective interest rate on bank debt for private customers (1430), sole proprietorships, and non-financial corporations.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in the documentation Balance sheet and Interest rate statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank 

Effective interest rate on bank debt of private customers

The figure shows the average effective interest rate incl. administration rates on mortgage debt for private customers (1430), sole proprietorships, and non-financial corporations.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in the documentation Balance sheet and Interest rate statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank 

Interest on new bank debt

The figure shows the effective interest rate on new bank debt for private customers (1430), sole proprietorships, and non-financial corporations. New debt is the debt disbursed within a specific month.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in the documentation Balance sheet and Interest rate statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank 

Administration rates

The figure shows the average administration rate on mortgage debt for private customers (1430), sole proprietorships, and non-financial corporations.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in the documentation Balance sheet and Interest rate statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank 

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Interest and Share Price Indices

The purpose of these statistics is to illustrate developments in interest rates and share indices in the financial markets. These statistics are intended for analysis purposes. The daily updates can be found at Nasdaq OMX Nordic or other media covering this financial area.

Need more data on Interest rates and fees?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find detailed figures, for example on the borrowers’ business volume and sector, as well as on currency, maturity, purpose and loan amount. 


Danmarks Nationalbank,
Allan Høegsberg
+45 33 63 66 48