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Money, foreign exchange and derivatives markets

How many Danish kroner are bought and sold each month, and who buys and sells them? What is the extent of the banks’ trading in derivatives such as interest rate swaps and FX swaps? The statistics provide an overview of the Danish money and foreign exchange market and allows you to find, for example, the counterpart sector and currency of the trading.

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A foreign exchange agreement where two parties exchange one currency for another in an initial transaction, with a simultaneous agreement to reverse the exchange at a specified future date. This can be viewed as a secured loan in one currency, with collateral provided in the other currency.

Agreement in which two parties agree to exchange payments of a fixed interest rate (the swap rate) against payments of a variable interest rate over an agreed period of time.

Selected statistics on Money, foreign exchange and derivatives markets

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Money, foreign exchange and derivatives markets. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

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Danmarks Nationalbank produces and publishes the statistics 'Money, foreign exchange and derivatives markets'. Statistics Denmark makes data available to users on this subject page and in Statbank Denmark.

Trading in Danish kroner

The figure shows Danish banks’ purchase and sale of Danish kroner broken down by counterpart sector, such as domestic banks and foreign counterparts.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in Foreign exchange and money market statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank

Trading in FX swaps

The figure shows Danish banks’ purchase and sale of FX swaps in Danish kroner broken down by different foreign currencies.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in Foreign exchange and money market statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank

Trading in interest rate swaps

The figure shows Danish banks’ buying and selling of interest rate swaps in Danish kroner.

Source data: Read more about sources and method in Foreign exchange and money market statistics at Danmarks Nationalbank

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Need more data on Money, foreign exchange and derivatives markets?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find more details, for example on maturity, reference rate and collateral for trading in Danish kroner, FX swaps, interest rate swaps, unsecured loans and secured loans.


Danmarks Nationalbank,
Jonatan Steinvig
+45 33 63 65 32