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Crop production

How much winter wheat and spring barley is harvested each year in Denmark, and which is the most popular vegetable: the carrot or the onion? Here you will find statistics on the annual grain harvest and use as well as the production of fruit and vegetables.

Selected statistics on Crop production

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Crop production. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Crop yield of grain

The figure shows the development in the crop yield for grain, among these winter wheat and spring barley.
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Source data

In general areas are obtained from the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, supplemented by Statistics Denmark's Agricultural and horticultural survey.

The harvest of cereals, rape and peas and straw

  • Questionnaire Based.
  • Gross sample of about 2,800 farms (about 8 per cent of all farms). Net Sample: about 2,700 farms.
  • Random, stratified sampling.

Harvest of roughage

For areas the source is IACS whereas for yields per hectare source are SEGES, Danish association of sugar beets farmers and the accounts statistics for agriculture. The accounts statistics for agriculture are available with a delay of one year, and for this reason the yields per hectare are updated with the development in crops where recent figures are available where for each fodder crop a crop is selected with a high correlation.

Fodder beets are updated with the development for sugar beets Maize for fodder is updated with the development for grain maize Green harvested cereals, luzerne and aftermath for cereals are updated with the development for spring barley Grass is updated with the development for cereals, total

Example: Grain maize has a yield of 60 hkg per ha in 2018 and 75 in 2019. From the accounts statistics on agriculture we know that maize for fodder has a yield of 320 hkg per ha. For 2019 the yield is thus estimated to 320*(75/60)=400.

The forecast for winter crops

Seed information from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and from the Knowledge Centre for Agriculture.


Information from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

Use of grain

The figure shows how much grain we use for exports and fodder consumption respectively.
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Source data

Data input are collected from a wide range of sources. The main sources of The Utilization of cereals are:

Sample surveys: the annual harvest survey, Harvest of Cereals etc., the annual farm structural survey, Agricultural and Horticultural Survey, the external trade, International trade in Goods, the annual surveys of stocks on farms that is part of the table KORN2: Stock and turnover of cereals

Census: the annual survey of flour producers that is included in The Utilization of cereals under the type Grinding for flour, groats etc. This survey is not published as an independent statistic, the annual stock at cereal trading companies that is part of the table KORN2: Stock and turnover of cereals

Production of vegetables

The figure shows the development in the production of selected vegetables. Click the link under the figure for data on more vegetable types.
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Source data

The information comes from the questionnaire, IACS and the livestock register

In 2024 the sample had a size of 6.300 farms, about 40 per cent all farms in Denmark. In addition there are 14,000 smaller farms lower than 30 ha, where the results are exclusively from registers and imputations

The sample is stratified by regions, size and type of farming (e.g. pig farms, cattle farms and plant production).

Production of fruit

The figure shows the development in the production of selected fruit. Click the link under the figure for data on more fruit types.
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Source data

The information comes from the questionnaire, IACS and the livestock register

In 2024 the sample had a size of 6.300 farms, about 40 per cent all farms in Denmark. In addition there are 14,000 smaller farms lower than 30 ha, where the results are exclusively from registers and imputations

The sample is stratified by regions, size and type of farming (e.g. pig farms, cattle farms and plant production).

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Farm Structure Survey

The purpose of the survey is to describe the structure of agriculture, e.g. number of farms by size and geography.

The statistics have comparable time series going back to 1982. The agricultural statistics, however, are much older than that with figures for number of farms, livestock, crops etc. going back to around 1900.

Harvest of Cereals etc.

The purpose of harvest of grains etc. is to describe the Danish harvest of grain and roughage. The statistics are used for research, EU reporting, GDP calculation and energy and feed accounts. The statistics have been compiled since 1875, but are in their present form comparable from 1971 onwards. Corresponding statistics on vegetable production: 'Production of fruit and vegetables', 'Nursery production', 'Berry and stone fruit'. This data is collected via the Agriculture and Horticulture survey.

The Use of Cereals

The purpose of the statistics is to compile a grain balance, primarily with the aim of calculating the quantities of grain that go to feed consumption, both for each individual crop and for the total amount of grain. In the grain balance, the amount of grain from harvest and import is calculated, and it is distributed among different uses. The statistics are used to calculate the Economic Accounts for Agriculture. Supply balance sheets for cereals for the crop year have been compiled since 1900/01. Balance sheets for the calendar year have been compiled since 1961. Data in its present form is comparable from 1995 onwards.

Need more data on Crop production?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find further details, for example on the grain harvest by region, the production of fruit and vegetables as well as the use and storage of grain.


Martin Lundø
Phone: +45 51 46 15 12