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Labour MarketPernille Stender
+45 24 92 12 33
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The statistic has been published since 1990, but with data breaks during this period.
From 2008 there is no data breaks in the statistic and the figures are thus comparable in this period.
Comparability - geographical
So far as it is known, no other countries have developed a similar workplace statistic.
Comparability over time
The EiB statistic have been compiled since the reference year 1990. It replaced the register-based workplace statistics, which had been compiled for the reference years 1980-1989, and which covered only establishments with employees. The methodology had remained largely unchanged from 1980 to 1989, so for that period comparability is good.
The introduction of the EiB statistic completed the coverage by adding information about self-employed and working spouses. Thus, establishments without employees also became part of the register basis from the reference year 1990. Furthermore, information about socio-economic status was included in the EiB. However, this improved coverage cannot be added to the data before 1990.
From 2002, only workplaces linked to really active companies are included in the EBS. Really active enterprises are defined as enterprises with a labour input of at least 0.5 full-time equivalents. New tables have therefore been started up in from 2002.
In 1993 the industry classification changed to DB93, in 2003 the industry classification changed to DB03 and in 2008 the industry classification changed to DB07.
From 2005 also secondary jobs as self-employed is included in the EiB.
In 2008 the e-income register became the main data source to the EiB. The transition to the e-income register as the new data source means that there is a data break in the EiB from 2007 to 2008. The number of jobs at the end of November declined as a result of the transition.
From 2008 all active jobs at the end of November are included. Earlier only the primary and secondary job was counted.
At the same time changes in the calculation of full-time employment is made, which means that job at the end of November, where the employee is temporarily absence, isn't included in the calculation of full-time employment. So far, wage hours over 1924 hours (equivalent to a weekly employment of 37 hours) are not counted in the full-time employment. With the publication of the EiB for 2013 these hours will be included in the calculation of full-time employment. All in all, will these changes reduce the level of full-time employment. Furthermore, the calculation of job now includes all job in Denmark regardless the persons are resident in Denmark or not.
Coherence - cross domain
The EiB is based on the same data material as the register-based labour force statistic (RAS). However, some major conceptual differences should be noted.
EBS includes all salaried jobs at the end of November, while RAS only includes the primary (i.e. main) job at the end of November.
Persons who do not live in Denmark but work at a workplace in Denmark are included in the EBS, but not in the RAS.
Persons, who according to the work classification modul (AKM) have their primary income in the year as self-employed, are only included in RAS.
Only jobs at genuinely active companies in Denmark are included in the EBS. The genuinely active companies are defined as companies with a labour input of at least 0.5 full-time equivalents. In RAS, jobs at companies that are not genuinely active are also included.
Coherence - internal
There is full consistency. All establishments contain the same types of basic information.