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Labour MarketPernille Stender
+45 24 92 12 33
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Figures are published under the subject Workplaces and jobs. You can read more about the EiB here.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The latest figures are published in the statistical bank tables ERVH1-ERHV6.
The statistic is only published in the Statistics Bank.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject in the following tables:
- ERHV1: Workplaces, job, full-time employment, wage and salary cost by industry (DB07), unit and time
- ERHV2: Workplaces and job by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping), unit and time
- ERHV4: Workplaces by industry (DB07 127-grouping), size of workplace and time
- ERHV5: Workplaces by region, sector and time
- ERHV3: Workplaces and job by industry (DB07 10-grouping), unit, size of workplace and time
- ERHV6: Workplaces by region, industry (DB07 10-grouping), size of workplace and time
Micro-data access
Micro-data can be made available through Statistics Denmark's Researcher service (Forskningsservice). Special needs services can be delivered from Statistics Denmark's Customer Centre.
The statistical register is delivered yearly to Statistics Denmark's Customer Centre.
Confidentiality - policy
Data Confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark.
Confidentiality - data treatment
In table ERHV1 a discretion of job, full-time employment and payroll is made if there is fewer than three establishments in each cell.
Documentation on methodology
Not relevant for these statistics.
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.