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Personal Finances and Welfare
Silas Turner
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Women's shelters

Based on their data strategy for the social sector, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Senior Citizens has asked Statistics Denmark to collect data and publish statistics on stays and residents at Denmark's women's shelters according to section 109 of the Act on Social Services. The statistics can be used to broaden the scope of the social field and is supposed to be of interest to anyone interested in social conditions and citizens in socially vulnerable positions.. In the summer of 2023, the women's shelters and other stakeholders have had the opportunity to provide feedback and input to the statistics.

User Needs

These statistics are used by municipalities, counties, ministries, the media and researchers for public planning and administration, research, public debate and educational purposes. It is assumed that the statistics are of interest to everyone who are interested in social conditions and in particularly citizens in socially vulnerable positions.

User Satisfaction

In the summer of 2023, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Senior Citizens and Statistics Denmark held a meeting for women's shelters and other stakeholders, where they could provide feedback and input to the statistics.

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for these statistics.