Women's shelters
Contact info
Personal Finances and WelfareSilas Turner
+45 21 54 42 57
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The purpose of the statistics Women's crisis centers is to provide information about women and children brought along staying at women's crises centers in accordance with section 109 in the Act on Social Services. The statistics were first compiled for 2017.
Statistical presentation
These statistics are an annual calculation of the number of stays and the number of women and children enrolled in women's shelters that is established and run in accordance with section 109 of the Act on Social Services. The statistics are grouped by municipality, origin, age and duration of the stay. Reporting to the statistics is mandatory by law.
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Statistical processing
Data is received quarterly from the women's shelters either with the help of a system-generated txt file or via a predefined spreadsheet. Upon receipt, the data sets are reviewed for formal errors, such as incorrect date formats. Next, the data goes through a validation process, after which the statistics are supplemented with background information about the women and any brought children from Statistics Denmark's population register.
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Based on their data strategy for the social sector, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Senior Citizens has asked Statistics Denmark to collect data and publish statistics on stays and residents at Denmark's women's shelters according to section 109 of the Act on Social Services. The statistics can be used to broaden the scope of the social field and is supposed to be of interest to anyone interested in social conditions and citizens in socially vulnerable positions.. In the summer of 2023, the women's shelters and other stakeholders have had the opportunity to provide feedback and input to the statistics.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics are a total count of women and children brought to women's shelters. Some stays are reported anonymously for the woman and/or her children, which is why background information about these may be missing and it will not be possible to capture whether the women are there more than once. Some women and children are listed anonymously at one women's shelter and not anonymously at another. In addition, typing errors or missing dates may occur when entering stays manually. Overlapping stays may also be reported. However, the majority of these errors are corrected before publication.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately 6 months after the end of the reference period.
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In Sweden, Statistics Sweden and the National Agency for Social Affairs and Health compile national surveys on men's violence against women and violence in intimate relationships. Data is compiled from 2017. Up until the end of 2020, women on outpatient services were also included in the statistics.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik In StatBank Denmark, these statistics can be found under the subject Social conditions. For further information, go to the subject page.