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Reusable assistive products

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Welfare and Health, Social Statistics
Birgitte Lundstrøm
+45 39 17 34 01

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Reusable assistive products 2022

The purpose of the statistics Reusable assistive products is to shed light on the municipalities' lending of reusable assistive products from the municipalities' aid depots. These are reusable assistive products allocated according to selected sections in the Act of Social Service, the Working Environment Act and the Health Act. The statistics are used to account for how many people are given reusable assistive products and for the type of product that is handed out. The statistics are under development and are expected to be published annually and for the first time in 2023.

Statistical presentation

The statistics of reusable assistive products is an annual inventory of reusable assistive products that are allocated according to selected sections in the Act of Social Service, the Working Environment Act and the Health Act. The statistics contain information on how many reusable assistive products have been handed out and the type of product. In addition, there is information on the number of people who have been given a reusable assistive product. The statistics can be broken down by municipality, age and gender.

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Statistical processing

Data for the statistics on reusable assistive products are collected quarterly from the municipalities via automatic reports from the professional systems or via a web-based reporting solution. The collected data goes through an error-finding procedure, where the municipalities receive aggregated data, which they must approve. When the data has been validated by the municipalities and finally approved, Statistics Denmark processes the reports and removes invalid data.

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The statistics are relevant for ministries, researchers, nongovernmental organizations and municipalities and as a basis for analyzes of the development in the number of services provided and the recipients characteristics and living conditions.

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Accuracy and reliability

This publication is based on data from 97 municipalities where 87 municipalities have approved all of their data. Precision and reliability are primarily affected by inadequate reports from the municipalities. This is partly due to the fact that the municipalities might experience technical challenges in setting up the system-to-system solutions used for data reporting.

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Timeliness and punctuality

These statistics are published annually. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.

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The statistics will be published for the first time at the end of September 2023, and no comparable data has therefore been published. Data cannot be directly compared with international statistics.

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Accessibility and clarity

Researchers and other analysts from authorized research institutions, can be granted access to the underlying Micro-data by contacting Research Services.

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