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Labour MarketPernille Stender
+45 24 92 12 33
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The quarterly labour force statistic (KAS) is primarily used to structural analysis of the labour market, because the statistic has a very detailed level of information. The statistic is therefore relevant to external as well as internal users and as foundation for analyzing the populations employment over the year.
User Needs
KAS is first published in 2018 and has been requested especially by users of RAS. RAS is an annually status at the end of November on the populations primary attachment to the labour market. There are therefore users of RAS who wish to be able to clarify the populations attachment to the labour market broader during the year than on a specific day in the year. The statistic is furthermore relevant to municipalities with wide seasonal fluctuations in the employment over the year due to for example tourism. Other than that there is a general internal and external wish to clarify the populations attachment to the labour market in the best possible way, and with KAS as supplement to the existing and long series in RAS we can provide an even better foundation for clarifying the labour market attachment.
User Satisfaction
KAS is first published in 2018 with information about the populations employment 2008-2016. From 2019 and on the rest of the population are also included. The user satisfaction has therefore not been evaluated. The user's committee for labour market statistics is involved in the development of KAS.
Data completeness rate
There is no regulation in the field. KAS is, in the extent possible with register-based data, following the international guidelines from ILO (International Labour Organization). ILO is an UN organization that among other things determines the international guidelines on how to specify the population main connection to the labour market. The ILO guidelines are primarily pointed towards survey-based inquiries (Labour Force Survey), where the person itself provides the information about the connection to the labour market. Since RAS is based on register-data the requirements from ILO is adjusted to use for RAS. The ILO guidelines consist among other things of a set of rules for prioritizing the main connection to the labour market. The guidelines dictate that employment has a higher priority than unemployment, while unemployment has higher priority than activities outside the labour force.