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Quarterly Labour Force

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Labour Market
Pernille Stender
+45 24 92 12 33

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Quarterly Labour Force 2019

The purpose of KAS is to to provide a description of the Danish population's affiliation to the labour market. KAS is an averaging of the populations affiliation to the labour market per quarter and is published annually. KAS covers the hole population from 2017 and on, while it covers the employed part of the population 1st. - 4th. quarter from 2008 to 2017.

Statistical presentation

KAS is an annually individual-based averaging which is calculating the Danish population's affiliation to the labour market quarter. The statistic is among other things also distributed on information about demography and information about the work place for employees. The statistic is published in StatBank Denmark.

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Statistical processing

The quarterly labour force statistic is based on the Labour Market Account (LMA) which is a longitudinal register. LMA contains information about the populations primary attachment to the labour market on every day of the year. KAS is an averaging of the population's primary attachment to the labour market divided on quarters.

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The quarterly labour force statistic (KAS) is primarily used to structural analysis of the labour market, because the statistic has a very detailed level of information. The statistic is therefore relevant to external as well as internal users and as foundation for analyzing the populations employment over the year.

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Accuracy and reliability

KAS is a register based average calculation of the populations primary attachment to the labour market, and the statistic uses the Labour Market Account (LMA) as data source. That first of all means that KAS doesn't contain the same uncertainties as statistics based on surveys. Second of all the data foundation for KAS provides a better opportunity to illuminate the labour market than before. KAS consists of a series of data sources which are integrated, corrected, and harmonized, and can therefore illuminate the populations attachment to the labour market significantly better than the single statistics can.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistic is published approximately 16 months after the reference point in time. RAS is typically published at the scheduled date without delay, and is planned more than a year ahead.

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The statistic is first published in 2018 with data on 1.-4. quarter 2008-2016. Expect from data break in the classification of occupation in 2010 the statistic is comparable in the hole period 2008-2016. From 2019 and on the data foundation is slightly revised, and therefore there is a smaller data break regarding the employed population. Since 2019 the statistic besides from employed persons also includes the rest of the population in Denmark with information about their primary labour market attachment in the quarter 2017. KAS is based on administrative registers with national character which makes it difficult to compare the statistic internationally.

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published in the StatBank under Quarterly Labor force Statistics, employment.

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