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Marriages and Divorces (Discontinued)

  • News from Statistics Denmark and
  • Annual publications: Statistical Yearbook, the Statistical Ten-Year Review and Vital Statistics

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

Link to the homepage concerning marriages and divorces


Link to the homepage concerning marriages and divorces

On-line database

The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subjects Marriages Marriages Divorces Divorces in the following tables:

  • VIE7: Marriages and entered registered partnerships by type and time
  • BEV3C: Marriages and divorces by movement and time
  • VIE207: Marriages between two of different sex by residence of the groom, residence of the bride, age of the groom, age of the bride, former marital status of the groom, former marital status of the bride and time
  • VIE307: Marriages between two of different sex by recidence of the male, residence of the female, month of the marriage, type of marriage ceremony and time
  • SKI107: Divorces between two of different sex by recidence of the male, residence of the female, age of the male, age of the female, duration of marriage and time
  • SKI207: Divorces between two of different sex by recidence of the male, residence of the female, month of the divorce and time
  • SKI5: Divorce rate tabel by age of marriage, divorce rate table and time
  • VIE4: Marriages between two of different sex by country of origin for the male, country of origin for the woman, age of the male, age of the female, ancestry of the male, ancestry of the woman and time
  • SKI3: Divorces between two of different sex by country of origin for the male, country of origin for the woman, age of the male, age of the female, ancestry of the male, ancestry of the woman and time
  • VIE5: Marriages between two of different sex by citizenship of the male, citizenship of the female, age of the male, age of the female and time
  • SKI4: Divorces between two of different sex by citizenship of the male, citizenship of the female, age of the male, age of the female and time
  • VIE1: Average age of males and females getting married by age and time
  • VIE6: Marriages between two of the same sex by sex, age of oldest person, age of youngest person, type of marriage ceremony and time
  • VIEDAG: Marriages by day of marriage, month of the marriage and time
  • SKI6: Divorces and dissolved partnerships by type and time
  • OPL1: Marriages by year of the marriage, duration of marriage, dissolution of marriages and time

Micro-data access

Micro-data is accessible via the division Research and Methods in Statistics Denmark.


It is possbible to buy special statistics - also combined with other areas of the social statistics.

Confidentiality - policy

Data confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark

Confidentiality - data treatment

Not relevant for these statistics.

Documentation on methodology

Paper on the methodology for calculating the divorce frequency - in Danish

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.