Contact info
External EconomyStefan Gottschalck Anbro
+45 51 60 58 46
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There is great interest in the disseminated statistics of External Trade in Goods among users who monitor the Danish economy. The statistics are demanded widely by trade and industry organisations, the bank and finance sector, politicians, public and private institutions, researchers, enterprises, news media, embassies and international organisations.
The statistics is also used for compilation of National Accounts and Balance of Payments Statistics. Furthermore, Eurostat use the statistics to make joint EU trade statistics.
The users view the External Trade in Goods Statistics as an important short term indicator, and it often gets a lot of attention in the media and amongst professional users.
User Needs
Users are public authorities, private organisations and firms, international organisations, embassies, the media and private individuals. Furthermore, the detailed figures are widely used for conducting market analyses and research.
User Satisfaction
No user satisfaction survey have been carried out.
Data completeness rate
Trade in certain commodity/partner country combinations can be made confidential according to the rules defining confidentiality. These combinations are not disclosed in the statistics.
Furthermore, at the first release of statistics 40 days after the reference month, detailed statistics on the EU trade is not disseminated. It is based on an assessment that these figures are not reliable enough so soon after the end of the reference month.