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Business Dynamics
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Energy consumption in manufacturing industries

The results from the energy census are used by Statistics Denmark to compile energy balances that are used in the national accounts.

Furthermore, the parties involved in energy planning, for instance municipalities, counties, the Energy Authority and affected supply companies, need the information.

A number of industrial associations, private companies and research institutes have also expressed an interest in the results. Furthermore, the energy census is used for energy statistics compiled by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

User Needs

The results from the energy census are used by Statistics Denmark to compile energy balances that are used in the national accounts, including environmental accounts. Furthermore, the parties involved in energy planning, for instance municipalities, counties, the Energy Authority and affected supply companies, need the information.

A number of industrial associations, private companies and research institutes have also expressed an interest in the results.

User Satisfaction

In general, public authorities as well as private companies are very satisfied with the statistics on energy consumption.

Data completeness rate

Results published are in line with guidelines.