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Business DynamicsOle Olsen
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Data on energy consumption by manufacturing industry is provided from 1980 and the concept has almost been kept since.
Time series can be found in The Statbank for the years since 2012.
Comparability - geographical
The results from the energy census are used by Statistics Denmark to compile energy balances for the whole economy. The results can be compared to other countries results.
Comparability over time
The energy census has been carried out since 1980 and the structure has overall been kept.
In 2018 new energy types was included in the questionnaire. May have impact on backwards comparability
In 2020 new and more detailed use categories has been introduced
Coherence - cross domain
Direct comparable statistics are not available. The development in the use of energy can be related to economic results, in example by type of industry.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics, as all results derive from the same source