Statistical processing
Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentLeif Hoffmann
+45 23 69 58 63
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Emission accounts are compiled taking energy accounts as a starting point for the emissions caused by the use of energy. Emissions caused by other factors than energy use are added subsequently and distributed among the relevant industries.
Source data
The environmental accounts are based on: The air emissions accounts are based on technical information on emissions and emission inventories obtained from the DCE, Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, University of Aarhus. This information is supplemented by specific information on fuel oil consumption and emission of SO2 from Danish operated ships abroad. The break down by industries and households is based on information obtained from the national accounts. The emission accounts are further supplemented with information on Land use, Land use change and Forestry (LULUCF) as reported to UNFCCC by DCE.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data for the air emission accounts is collected from different internal sources e.g. Energy accounts and external sources (Denmark’s reporting to UNFCCC and UNECE) by extracting information from data bases, excel spreadsheets and printed publications. These sources are supplemented by Environmental reports/Sustainability reports from certain private companies.
Data validation
First there is a process of data validation of each primary statistics, as described in the respective quality statements of the relevant statistics. It is followed by an initial validation of input data in connection to compilation of Air Emission Accounts.
Data compilation
Air emission accounts are compiled using Energy First principle, which takes energy accounts as a starting point and the emissions are calculated by multiplying energy use with the respective emission coefficients. This information is supplemented by specific information on fuel oil consumption and emission of SO2 from Danish operated ships abroad. Emission accounts are further supplemented with the emissions not related to the combustion of energy products. These include emissions from agriculture as well as emissions from the industrial processes. Air emission accounts are then aligned with the official emission inventories in regards to overall national totals as well as the subtotals for groups of industries to ensure consistency between the official statistics on the national level.
Not relevant for this statistics.