Emission Accounts
Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentLeif Hoffmann
+45 23 69 58 63
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The purpose of the Air Emission Account is to illustrate the emission of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants related to industry and households energy consumption and other activities. The accounts can be used for climate and environmental-economic analysis. The emission accounts are developed for 1990 and onwards according to EEA, System of Environmental Economic Accounting, which is a statistical standard published by the UN and several other international organizations provides the "State of the art" for Green National Accounts. The statistics is part of the Environmental-Economic Accounts for Denmark (Green National Accounts).
Statistical presentation
The air emission accounts are annually accounts on the emission of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. The air emission accounts follow the same definitions and classification as National Accounts, which allows for analyses of the connection between the economy and air pollution. The accounts are published in a Danish press release and in StatBank under the subject Energy and air emissions.
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Statistical processing
Emission accounts are compiled taking energy accounts as a starting point for the emissions caused by the use of energy. Emissions caused by other factors than energy use are added subsequently and distributed among the relevant industries.
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Environmental Accounts are relevant for those interested in the correlation between the economy on the one side and environment and natural resources on the other side. Ministries and consultant firms are among the main users of environmental accounts. Accounts are included in the overall European environmental accounts, collected and compiled by Eurostat.
Accuracy and reliability
There is an uncertainty connected to the compilation of Air Emission Accounts as a combination of scientific assumptions and calculations have to be made. Uncertainty inherited in the source data is transferred to the Air Emission Accounts. However, conceptually consistent and over time uniform treatment of source data contribute to increasing the certainty of data.
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Timeliness and punctuality
Data is normally published without delays.
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The industry classification in the tables is the same as the one used in the national accounts. The tables can therefore be compared to other statistics based on the industry classification. Accounts are compiled in form of time series. For example accounts for air emissions are available for each year from 1990 until the last year that is published. Accounts are consistent and fully comparable within these years. On the more aggregated level (NACE 64), the Danish accounts are comparable with accounts of other EU countries compiled according to the Regulation no. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published annually in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Energy and air emissions. For further information, go to the subject page for Environmental-Economic Accounting.