Statistical presentation
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These statistics are an annual estimate of key economic and employment figures, by sports industries, including turnover, payroll and number of full-time employees.
Data description
These statistics consist of the following key economic and employment figures for the sports industry:
- Turnover (DKK million)
- Export (DKK million)
- Import (DKK million)
- Wage and salary costs (DKK million)
- Number of jobs (end of November)
- Number of full-time employees
- Municipal expenses (DKK 1,000)
- Municipal expenditure (DKK) per capita
- students and graduates in sports educations
- Average household consumption of sports
Sports employment
Average number of employed: The calculation of employed persons in the quarter is an average calculation of the number of employed persons per day in the quarter. A person is therefore included in the calculation with the precise number of days in employment. Full-time employees: The number of employees in full-time equivalents at the workplace during the year. The number of employees in full-time equivalents is calculated by setting the hours paid in proportion to the maximum number of hours of paid work during the year with a weekly employment of 37 hours (1,924 hours).
** Sports Education**
The status statement regarding sports education operates with * All students *, * approach * and * completed * (graduates).
All students correspond to the total number of students who applied for the relevant year for the programs concerned.
Approach * comes from the Times variable TILG_ART and corresponds to the sum of students included.
Education approach
- Educational restart, continuing at the same institution
- Educational restart, continuing at the same institution
Since the professional bachelor's degree program "5761 Leisure management, prof.bach" in 2021 changed to "Event management and, prof.bach.", there has been a transfer of students from one institution to another, which explains the higher number of education approaches in 2021.
- Completed * is based on the TIMES variable AUDD that proves whether the student has completed an education or not. Whether the program is competency-giving or not is not included in the statistics. '4522 Fitness Instructor' corresponds as the only one to a "non-qualifying" vocational education but is nevertheless included in the sum of vocational education, due to the sports relationship.
Classification system
These statistics industry classification follows Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07), which is the national version of EU's nomenclatur NACE rev. 2. The key figures are grouped under R93 Sports activities and amusements and recreation activities in:
- 93.11 Operation of sports facilities
- 93.12 Activities of sports clubs
- 93.13 Fitness facilities
- 93.19 Other sports activities
The municipal expenses in IDRFIN01 have the following groups. Futher information refers to REGK31.
Function: 0.32.31 stadiums and sports facilities 0.32.35 Other leisure-time facilities 3.22.18 Sports facilities for children and young people
Dranst: 12 Current expenditure incl. reimbursement from central goverment (sum of 1 Current Expenditure 2 reimbursement from central goverment in Dranst from table REGk31) 3 Capital expenditure
Sports employment by educational level in table IDRBES03 follows DISCED-15, educational level.
Students in full-time sports education by type of education in table IDRUDD01 follow DISCED-15, type of education, (ongoing education). The correlation between the type of education and the level of education for these statistics is as follows:
Vocational education
- 812 Professional teacher in sports (private ed.)
- 4522 Fitness Instructor
- 4615 Greenkeeper (added from 2020)
Bachelor Studies
- 5151 Physiotherapy, prof.bach.
- 5153 Occupational therapy, prof.bach.
- 5476 Sports Management (superstructure), prof.bach.
- 5863 Sports Management (superstructure), prof.bach.
- 5864 Sport management (superstructure), prof.bach.
- 5715 Leisure management, prof.bach.
- 5761 Leisure management, prof.bach. (-2021)
- 5761 Event management og økonomi, prof.bach. (2022-)
- 5762 Bachelor of Leisure Management, prof.bach.
- 8253 Sports / sports and health, bach.
- 7144 Occupational therapy, child 2 years
- 7183 Physiotherapy, child 2 years
- 8256 Sports / Sports and health, child 2 years
- 8258 Humanities-Social Sciences Sports Science, child 2 years
- 8259 Human Physiology, child 2 years
- 8250 Body exercises, pitcher.
- 8257 Sports technology, pitcher 2 years
** Sports Employment**
Sports employment by job function is based on Statistics Denmark's Professional Classification (DISCO-08).
** Sports Consumption **
Sports consumption is grouped by socio-economic status, type of household, household income, housing type, region and age. To calculate sports consumption by consumption groups in table IDRFU01, Statistics Denmark's version of the European classification of individual consumption by purpose [ECOICOP] is used (
Clothing and shoes
- Sports and leisure clothing, swimwear and the like for men
- Sports and leisure clothing, swimwear and the like for women
- Sports and leisure wear, swimwear and the like for boys
- Sports and leisure wear, swimwear and the like for girls
- Shoes, including sports for men
- Shoes, including sports for women
- Shoes, also sports for boys
- Shoes, including sports for girls
- Boat accessories
- Balls not beach balls
- Equipment, etc. for golf
- Equipment, etc. for soccer and handball
- Equipment, etc. for badminton and tennis
- Equipment, etc. to other sports
- Rep. of sports, fishing, hunting and camping equipment
Membership and entrance
- Sports matches;
- Swimming pool, water park, outdoor swimming pool
- Fitness, etc.
- Other participation in sports, leasing and the like.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for these statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Turnover: Revenue from the sale of products and services that come from the company's primary operations.
Export: Consists of sales to countries inside and outside the EU plus other goods and services that are sold free of charge. Exports are calculated as revenue less domestic sales.
Import: Value of goods and services bought from abroad.
Wage and salary costs: The annual wage and salary sum is defined at the place of work as the sum of the employee's primary income, of which labor market contributions and total contributions to pension schemes must be paid. Additionally, pension contributions and the value of perks are added. Refunds from the municipality to the employer for the payment of maternity benefits and sickness benefits are deducted.
Jobs end of November: Jobs at workplaces at the end of November. All jobs are included regardless of whether they are job, secondary jobs, tertiary jobs etc.
Full-time equivalents:
Statistical unit
Statistical units are the sports industry's companies.
Statistical population
Economy and employment in the sports industry.
Reference area
Denmark. Christians island is not included in the estimates regarding municipal expenses.
Time coverage
These statistics cover the time period from 2013 and onwards.
Base period
Unit of measure
The aggregated economic figures of the sports industry companies are measured in DKK million. The aggregate employment rate of sports industries is measured in the number of jobs and in the number of full-time employees (full-time equivalents) and average number of employed. Household sports consumption is measured in DKK.
Reference period
The financial fey figures are calculated on the basis of financial information for the whole year. The same is the number of full-time employees, while the number of jobs is calculated at the end of November.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Data is derived from other public authorities and existing registries and collected on the basis of the Danish Statistics Act.
Cost and burden
There is no direct reporting burden for compiling these statistics.
Statistics Denmark expands coverage in the field of sport under the subjects Economics and Employment of the Sports Sector, Sports Participation and Sports infrastructure and Resources. In addition, a new cultural survey is being developed and the first new results from this are expected to be completed by 2019.