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Statistical processing

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Welfare and Health, Social Statistics
Else-Marie Rasmussen
+45 3917 3362

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Drug Abuse Treatment

Data for these statistics are continuously collected municipalities and drug treatment centers directly to SMDB or automatically through system-to-system solutions via the municipality's administrative IT-system. Data are validated extensively by presenting the collected data to the responsible municipality for validation and approval. Hereafter, we initiate validation processes that e.g. remove persons with invalid social security numbers or who have finished their treatment because they died.

Source data

Reports from the municipalities and drug abuse treatment centers.

Frequency of data collection

Municipalities and drug addiction treatment centers are obliged to report data on drug addiction treatment to Statistics Denmark on an ongoing basis, however no later than 15 days after the end of the month, cf. databekendtgørelsen. However, data is not always reported continuously. Therefore, Statistics Denmark sets a deadline for when municipalities and drug addiction treatment centers at latest must have reported, validated and approved their data. This deadline is communicated through a annual wheel via our information page and via email to all our contact persons.

Data from SMDB is obtained automatically every morning, unless technical errors occur. During peak periods, i.e. right up to the deadline for approval, data can be obtained several times a day.

Data is submitted from the administrative IT-systems with different frequency, sometimes daily, sometimes weekly. Statistics Denmark engage in dialogue with the IT developers behind the IT-systems when we are waiting for data from their municipalities, especially close to the deadline for approval.

Data collection

Direct reporting or system-to-system reporting via administrative IT-system to SMDB.

Data validation

As part of the data validation process, Statistics Denmark monitor whether or not we receive data during the year from municipalities and drug abuse treatment centers. In addition to missing data, there may be errors in the data reported by the municipalities and drug addiction treatment centers.

Statistics Denmark therefore attempt to ratify the data in dialogue with the municipalities and drug addiction treatment providers before the municipalities can finally approve the data when they estimate that the data is a realistic reflection of the drug addiction treatment that has been given throughout the year.

This is done more tangibly by sending validation reports to the municipalities at the beginning of the year, as well as continuously after dialogue and error corrections, where it e.g. it appears how many requests, initiatives, registrations for centers and citizens in treatment they have reported to Statistics Denmark for the four previous years. Here it is emphasized whether there has been an increase or a decrease in the reference year compared to the previous year. If there has been a large increase or decrease (over 20 per cent) and the municipality wishes to approve the data, Statistics Denmark will ask for an explanation of this. In addition, the validation report shows how many errors the municipality has. As a general rule, Statistics Denmark accepts a maximum margin of error of 20 per cent.

The municipalities are encouraged not only to correct errors for the year being validated, but all years, unless they are close to the deadline. In continuation of this, it can be added that Statistics Denmark is working to ensure that more municipalities approve their data backwards in time, so that it becomes possible to compare national totals across several years, and there are several municipalities that approve their data backwards in time.

Data compilation

After reporting data in SMDB, an age is calculated for the citizen at the time of the incident. If the citizen has had many courses in previous years, with a short time between the individual treatment courses, activities are aggregated into combined contact courses. Requests are aggregated if there are less than or equal to ten days from the end date to the new start date. The request must also be in the same municipality. Admissions are collected if there are less than or equal to 30 days from the end date to the new start date of a new course. The admission must be on the same drug abuse treatment center.

Initiations are not aggregated per se in the data processing. If data from the aggregated data set with contact procedures is used, there will be a lack of initiatives for those procedures where several requests have been combined into a single contact course. When using the combined contact course, there will be fewer contact, treatment and offer courses than if you count the original activities. The municipalities validate the original activities.

Only the municipalities that approve their data are included in the published figures.

It is only possible to report persons with a valid social security number. Anonymous persons in drug abuse treatment are not reported, and likewise foreigners who have not yet received a Danish social security number cannot be reported to SMDB. Due to the fact that this practice is also applicable in the published figures, invalid social security numbers are removed from the database before publication of the statistics. In previous years it has been possible to report invalid social security numbers, but this is no longer possible.

Previous analyzes of data from SMDB have shown that a large proportion of the active contact procedure in the database should have been ended. Since the data validation in 2016, there has been a focus on this. In addition, in connection with a municipality's system change (i.e. change from one administrative IT system to another or to manual reporting, see the "source data" section), a review of active cases takes place, so that the erroneously open cases are closed before the transition to the new system.

When calculating persons in either a course or persons with activity during the period, Statistics Denmark will limit that a person can only be counted once in the specified period. Statistics Denmark selects the most recent event for the person. Persons in active treatment may, however, be counted several times if they change municipality during a reference year.


Not relevant for these statistics.