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Else-Marie Rasmussen
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Drug Abuse Treatment

The statistics are compiled in the current, comparable form for 2015-2022. There are no European guidelines for statistics on social drug abuse treatment. There are European comparable statistics where data for Denmark are provided by the Danish Health and Medicines Authority.

Comparability - geographical

For European comparable statistics in the field of substance abuse, please refer to the EMCDDA (European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction), where the Danish Health and Medicines Authority participates and contributes data for Denmark.

Comparability over time

These statistics are calculated and comparable for the period 2015 onwards. Since there are municipalities in the statistics that have not approved their data, this means that analysis of the development over the time series should only be done for the municipalities included in all years. All 98 municipalities are included for this publication (2022). For 2021, 97 municipalities are included, for 2020-2019, 96 municipalities are included, for 2018, 97 municipalities are included, for 2017, 96 municipalities are included, for 2016, 91 municipalities are included, for 2015, 90 municipalities are included.

The statistics are foundationally comparable to previous statistics from the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing's data banks for the Drug Abuse Database, which was closed down in 2017 in connection with task transfer from the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing to Statistics Denmark. Due to an intensified course of contact with the municipalities from 2017 onwards, the coverage in the present statistics will probably be higher than in the previous statistics. The data base for these statistics contains data back to 1996, however, comparability seems difficult. In the Structural Reform from January 2007, when municipalities were merged, the responsibility for drug abuse treatment passed from the then counties to the municipalities. Around 2012, it was decided to coordinate reports on drug abuse in the Drug Abuse Database (SMDB).

Coherence - cross domain

There is no direct connection with other statistics from Statistics Denmark.

Statistics users who are generally interested in drug abuse treatment for both drug abuse and alcohol can be referred to the National Alcohol Treatment Register (NAB) at the The Danish Health Data Authority.

Municipalities' services under Serviceloven are calculated across social statistics, i.a. adults (disability), vulnerable children and young people and drug abuse by Statistics Denmark. The sources for these statistics are often based on the municipalities' administrative IT-systems.

Coherence - internal

Data is consistent through a number of rules that ensure this. Consistency in the dataset is also ensured. In some tables tables, different definitions makes the number of persons differ marginally. E.g. a person who have moved from one municipality to another can be counted more than once.