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Cinemas and Films

The study is in its present form has been prepared since 1984. For many key numbers, it is possible to compare with figures dating from 1976. After a revision of the statistics in 2014 it is not possible to compare the statistics of showing weeks. Number of tickets divided by population was cancelled in 2016.

The organisation Media Salles publishes number of moviegoers for a number of european countries.

Comparability - geographical

The Organization * Media Salles * publish attendance for most European countries as well as countries outside Europe, including the US, China and Japan. The Danish Film Institute and the Association of Danish Cinemas delivers the Danish contribution.

Comparability over time

The statistics have been conducted in their present form since 1984. For some of the statistics it is possible to compare figures from 1976 onwards. In the yearly publications of statistics, series of central figures are shown as well as figures on tickets sold independently of the year (films are often shown in more than one year).

Coherence - cross domain

By the nationality of the film countries of origin can be grouped in manner, that it shows the EU-area.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.