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Statistical presentation

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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Karsten Kjeld Larsen
+45 21 29 55 76

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Cereal Prices used for Regulation of Land Rents

The statistics are a yearly calculation of farm gate prices for barley and wheat defined as basic prices. The figures are calculated for eight regions. Due to the structural reform in 2007 the names of the regions have been revised but are otherwise unchanged.

The eight districts are described in the manual to the law on cereal prices called kapitelstakster. Go to and search for number 10053 of the 24th of November 2006 (24/11/2006), also termed vejledning om opgørelse af kapitelstakster.

Data description

The statistics measure farm gate prices for enterprises trading with cereals in Denmark. The price concept is the basic price in the meaning of the amount received by the seller where duties are deducted and subsidies added. Any transport costs are kept outside. The prices concern the harvest from the reference time of the statistics.

Classification system

The classification is done by the eight districts:

Sjælland med omliggende øer Lolland-Falster med omliggende øer Bornholm Fyn med omliggende øer Sønderjylland Østjylland Vestjylland Nordjylland

Sector coverage


Statistical concepts and definitions

Farm gate price: An annually determined average price of barley and wheat, calculated based on producer sales prices from the beginning of the harvest until the end of December. The price is stated in basic prices, where duties are deducted, and any subsidies are added, while separately invoiced transport charges are excluded. It is often used for regulating rent in agricultural land tenancy.

Basic price: The amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output minus any tax payable, and plus any subsidy receivable, on that unit as a consequence of its production or sale; it excludes any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer.

Tenancy: An agreement in which a person or business (the tenant) rents and operates another party’s (the landlord’s) agricultural land, buildings or other production assets in exchange for payment. The tenant has the right to use the leased assets for agricultural operations or other agreed activities for a specified period and under fixed terms, typically regulated through a tenancy contract.

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the company trading cereals.

Statistical population

Respondents are all retailers of cereals

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics cover the time period from 1985 onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistic.

Unit of measure

DKK per 100 kilogramme.

Reference period

The statistics include the average prices of wheat and barley in the period from August to December the concerned year established in the legislation of the statistics.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Law no. 592 of 14 December 2015) and the Act on Statistics Denmark, § 12. There is No EU legislation for these statistics.

Cost and burden

Not calculated.


For further information please contact Statistics Denmark.